DIVX Movie with AC3 sound

Hya all, hope someone can help.

I have just downloaded a divx movie, but it has AC3 sound, my divx playa will play the movie but no sound, windows media player will play the movie with sound but the movie plays slow, (as in slow motion), is there anywhere that i can get an AC3 codec for my Divx playa, or is there a Divx player that will play AC3 sound.
Or will i have to extract the audio and convert it to a different audio stream.

My O/S is Win XP Pro.

Uninstall all your current divx codecs and install the Nimo Codec Pack. It has everything you need :)


Do not chose the G400 Filter if you do not have G400 graphic cards
Do not install the Bicubic Resizer Filter id you do not have any problem about video upside-down.
Hi Wormie.

Thanks for the reply.

I will install the Nimo codec pack and give it a try.

Are there options during install for the G400 and Bicupic filters? as I dont have a G400 Video card neither do I have problems with video playing uposide down.

Once anagin thanks for the reply.
While a few use the Nimo pack (I don't like these hacked versions much).
You can probs just make do with the 3.11 (from h``p://www.doom9.org/) & the 5.02 codec.
Then don't use the playa (as it doesn't function properly) & windows media player sometimes doesn't work well either -- so try using zoom player (h``p://www.inmatrix.com/) or this other nice program mentioned by Blane h``p://www.sasami2k.com/
hiya shadoe_phantom.

Thanks also for the reply, i will have a look at these progs tomorrow, i have installed the Nimo codec pack, everything seems ok (so far), i want to convert the Divx movie to VCD,
any help on how i can rip the audio from the movie would be grateful.

Ta muchly.
Load the AVI into NanDUB ( from _www.doom9.net ), set Audio to Full Processing mode and then is File, hit Save WAV. Then follow the DivX to VCD Tutorial (in Tutorial section) using the original AVI as Video source and the new WAV as audio source in TMPGEnc.
Hi Chickenman,

Ye i already tried loading the AVI into Nandub / VirtualDub i get a message no input audio stream to extract, i guess this is because the AVI file has AC3 sound, i have followed your guide DIVX to VCD quite a few times with some good results, i`m just not sure how to extract the audio from this particular AVI.
In Virtual dub, just set video to direct stream copy and audio to full processing mode.
Then, save wav. Name the output file xxxx.ac3
You'll get a xxxx.ac3.wav file. Delete the wav extension.
Then, use PX3Convert or AC3Decode to convert this ac3 file into wav file.
Go in TMPGEnc using your avi and new wav files as input files for video and audio.

Hope this helps.
You're welcome Tommy.
I just checked and they are still available there

Ac3Decode :
_http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/ac3dec.cfm (second location and take the gui too).

Px3Convert :


Good luck :)
Jazzman, just for info, NanDUB converts the AC3 directly to WAV without haveing to fart around with other programs to do the conversion. Just load and save.

The simplest conversion for AC3 to WAV or even to MP2 is to use BeSweet with its GUI. Both from _www.doom9.net
Thanks ChickenMan .
I'll try again with Nandub when I'll get my next divx/ac3. But my first trials were not successful though ! It's was I used PX3Convert.