I know this is an easy one as I have readed before somewhere but I don't remember where exactly and I don't have so much time now for looking. I could not find this answer searching the forum so I am posting this.
Just installed DiVX 5.02 codec freeware for watching some content that I downloaded (the doom3 video from cdrsoft site, WAOW! this IS gonna be THE GAME!) but the damn 5.02 has taken cintrol over all my DiVX viewing. I like that the system uses DiVX 3.11a for 3.x copntent and the 5.02 for 5.x content. How or where I configure this? I have installed 5.02 wothout The Playa because I use BSPlayer and WMP for playing.
Thanks as always!
Just installed DiVX 5.02 codec freeware for watching some content that I downloaded (the doom3 video from cdrsoft site, WAOW! this IS gonna be THE GAME!) but the damn 5.02 has taken cintrol over all my DiVX viewing. I like that the system uses DiVX 3.11a for 3.x copntent and the 5.02 for 5.x content. How or where I configure this? I have installed 5.02 wothout The Playa because I use BSPlayer and WMP for playing.
Thanks as always!