DiVX 5 codec took control over 3 :(

I know this is an easy one as I have readed before somewhere but I don't remember where exactly and I don't have so much time now for looking. I could not find this answer searching the forum so I am posting this.

Just installed DiVX 5.02 codec freeware for watching some content that I downloaded (the doom3 video from cdrsoft site, WAOW! this IS gonna be THE GAME!) but the damn 5.02 has taken cintrol over all my DiVX viewing. I like that the system uses DiVX 3.11a for 3.x copntent and the 5.02 for 5.x content. How or where I configure this? I have installed 5.02 wothout The Playa because I use BSPlayer and WMP for playing.

Thanks as always!
this is odd, 'cause normally 5x does not take over 3.11 (although it will take over anything made with 4.x).
Have you tried reinstalling the 3.11a codec again? (after the 5.x being installed).
As shodoe suggested, I would recommend you re-insatll DivX 3.11a codec again. I have both installed 5 first then 3.11 and playback of movies (and conversion AVI to VCD) will pickup the appropriate one on my system.
Ok, now both are working ok again. But there is not option in the 5.x codec installer that says "play all divx control with 5.x codec". Thats a pity.
But most of the DivX purests will say that Divx 5 cant decode a divx made with 3.11 properly anyway, so this way you end up with the best of both worlds. More importanly, it works.