DivX 5.02 Problem!

Ok i ripped the DVD on to my computer. Went trough the DVD to DivX tutorural. And had all of the options set corrctly. Now my question is: Why dose thr sound not match the video? Its like the audio is at least 2 seconds b4 the video. How can i fix this and prvent it from happening in the future?
this can occur sometimes & can be hard to pinpoint, but there is 1 method that never fails me & you can try.

*Make sure you keep the vob files still on the PC till the end:
Now use DVD2AVI & just get the sound from the movie:
Dolby Digital select Demux (same thing for MPEG Audio). For 48->44.1KHz have it as Off and the rest leave alone.

Now use an app called HeadAC3he:
& convert the sound file you got from DVD2AVI process (unless it is already an mp3) & convert it to mp3 format with HeadAC3he.

Now encode the movie with Vidomi but don't bother with sound (so make sure to uncheck sound option for it).

All that is left is to mux them together with Direct stream processing under NanDub (nandub works with mp3 files better than virtualdub).

Sorry but I ran out of time so had to shorten my explanations, but if you have any questions still post back & I or someone else will try to answer in better detail next time.

Good luck
Shadoe's method above does work, always worth a try.

But if the audio is just out by a couple od secdons from start to end of the movie, load it into VirtualDUB, go to Audio/Interleaving and in the bottom box, enter the number of millisec it is out +'ve or -'ve. Set both Video & Audio to Direct stream Copy and then hit Save AVI. If its still out a bit, re-do until its correct. This only takes a few min to do and no re-encoding.