Discs Freezing On Playback


New member

I have always been able to copy ifo. and vob files to Ritek Printable G4 discs.
I updated my operating system from XP home to Professional. and I bought a new dvd writer NEC DVDRW ND-3500AG.

When I copied to a Un-printable Ritek G5 disc it played beautifully.
When I copied the same files to a printable Ritek G4 disc, on playback and approx 70% into playtime it started to freeze then carry on and freeze again -so basically I ended up with a coaster!

I then tried Datawrite Classic General Purpose DVD-R Discs but the same problem occured.
I am using the latest Nero 6. with full upgrades.

I even tried the much acclaimed DVD Juggler Professional version. and the same thing happened.

I am now very confused in understanding why it will play successfully on un-printable discs and not on printables?

Has anyone experienced this problem and is there any solutions please?

In otherwords HELP!!!
I use Ritek labelled G04 (and G05) media on my NEC 3500 and never without a problem as I use the genuine Ritek labelled media (they have purple tops). The printed G04's you have, are they labelled Ritek or some other brand ? If another brand name, then I'd suggest you have B or C grade G04's though probably still made by Ritek. Even the best DVDR makers make B & C grade stuff. They then flog it off to merchants and printed with just about any name. The Datawrite failled because its also crap media, what else whould you expect?


New member

I used Ritek brands the DVDinfo confirmed the printables were G4 dye.

I was advised by someone else to try the high quality TY discs which cost 90pence each.

However, I tried PIODATA printables G5, and , surpise surprise - they worked!

Can't understand why my old G4's worked with my previous burner and not with the new one NEC 3500

Thanks for your input