Disapointing 3d 2001 SE benchmark results...

I replaced my Athlon 800 rig with a 2400XP Athlon,fairly cheap....It's a big surprise for me that this new system is so dissapointing....

Athlon 2400XP=2000 ;256 DDRram
Western Digital 180gig;8mb cache
This system gets only +/-7500 as score when running 3d mark 2001 SE,but shouldn't it be a lot more?
RW what power rating is your psu?
I take it its up to the job if not this could well B the problem...not enough juice.
Fairly Cheap

FAIRLY CHEAP can be the video.
I never recorded 3d benchmarks. Humh. I'm still on the XP2000 right now. Read the new MB manual!
Well,it isn't actually a completely new machine.....I build it with some spare parts I had....:D
The videocard is a GF3 TI200,PSU is 400 watt
Just the ddr,the cpu and the hd are brand new.......
Overclocked my graphics card to it's max.......getting a 7923 score now....:D
Forgot to mention that the hd is connected to a Promise Ultra 100 TX2 controller,since this 1 runs @ ata 66,it's probably the bottleneck of my test.....have to try with hd on the ide slot...:)
Max. bursts your HD may get in tests are around 45-50 M (much lower in real life), so I don't think the Promise is the bottleneck.
Drivers? - AGP driver for motherboard, and what version of Detonators and DirectX ?

AFAIK, 3DMark is primarily a graphics benchmark, and preloads from HD to exclude drive speed anyway.

PS. With 256 DDR, I'd go for an AGP aperture setting in BIOS of either 128 or 64 - rather than aiding general speed, it seems to limit the drop during large scale scene changes.
THX for your input,guys!:)

LTR12101B said:
Drivers? - AGP driver for motherboard, and what version of Detonators and DirectX ?
Latest AGP driver for SIS 735 chipset,directx 9 and detonator drivers 44.03 are already installed,and AGP Texture Acceleration is enabled @ dxdiag......

Bios AGP Aperture Size is 64 as default,will change it to 128...:)
suggestion that you prolly already done here roady but KILL all the background processes blah blah you know the routine bud :) nothing running but 3DMARK :)

Also try using the latest version of 3DMARK :)

pref full version :)
I must admid, though it would technically render my scores void, I use performance options.

1. Performance - Intellisample (Performance, or Quality, but never Application)
2. Direct3D - Mipmap detail - Blend (If I take it lower than that, it DOES begin to look rouigh, but I can't tell the difference between this and maximum)

You HAVE checked that it can disable VSYNC?
And hopefully you have the Coolbits/Coolbits PLUS reg tweaks that let you see things like the current AGP speed and features, and see/set VSYNC (default on is usually acceptable - this allows the benchmark to disable it)
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Well....with the nvidia 44.03 release,there's no special need anymore for coolbits,since there are overclocking and tweaking settings available now @ the advanced settings tab...:D
With Riva Tuner,I managed to overclock the card to a 8147 benchmark @ 220 core and 500 mem settings......highest value I could get without display artifacts....;)
Still wasn't satisfied,and got the wife so crazy to give me my birthday present in advantage....,so I got this baby instead:
http://www.aopen.com/company/awards/vga/AeolusTi4200 8X.htm

A fine 10500 3d 2001 se benchmark WITHOUT overclocking now....:D:p
More me

If you got a 333FSB MB I woudl get 333 ram for 3D speed and overclock CPU with the Video card. You can send me to old one??? Hehehe. Of course heatsink is a necesary item to watch.
That a Ti4200 only gets you about 25% more, shows that the Geforce 3 turns in quite a creditable performance - the dilemma of upgrading from one "good" (hardware DX8) card to another - at a time when all the chatter is on DX9 (though Nvidia's cheap DX9 card is easily beaten by this one at any test that does NOT leverage DX9)
LTR12101B said:
That a Ti4200 only gets you about 25% more, shows that the Geforce 3 turns in quite a creditable performance
True....but getting 25% more with a card that's in the same price range as my TI200 and WITHOUT OVERCLOCKING,is quite a difference when playing games .....:D