Digital Research 40x12x48x

I just bought this drive to replace an old Ricoh 6x. $29.99 after rebate from Best Buy. It seems to be working OK, but I've been trying to figure out the actual manufacturer of the drive. My searches of the internet have not payed off, and there is no fcc id number on the drive to check the fcc database.

Anyone happen to know who the real manufacturer is? I'm wondering if it is a rebadged Lite-On, which would make it a pretty decent drive. If it's likely to be cheap junk, I've got 30 days to return it to Best Buy. Thanks to anyone who can give more infro.
A closer look at the very fine print on the label on top of the drive identifies the manufacturer as Aopen. So, it looks like this is the same drive as an Aopen CRW4048. That drive has some good reviews. The pictures on the net may not be accurate. The drive I received had a different appearance than what's on the box.

In any case, I think the drive is likely to be OK, especially considering the price.
VIPER_1069 said:
run some tests with it before returning and no doubt cd software will identify this drive from the hardware within :)
I've confirmed this drive is an Aopen 4048. There is a more recent bios from Aopen. After flashing the bios, it is now identified as an Aopen CRW4048 by Windows instead of a no name drive. If Nero identifies the drive as using JustSpeed & JustLink, then the drive is likely made by Aopen. Since everything seems to be working fine, it looks like a keeper.
Yep, not a bad drive at all for the price.

Just installed one for a customer, paid $20 for a 52x24x52 after mail in rebate.

....DreeM :)