Different behaviour between stand-alone and PC

I noticed the following and I wonder if someone could explain this. In the menu of the original dvd, when you press the start button appearing on the menu, a promo appears (part of the menu vob), then a nag screen (also part of the menu vob) and finally the main title starts. I stripped these two unnecessary items. In WinDVD and Nero ShowTime, when I choose start, it goes to the main title instantly, whereas in my Pioneer DV-535 standalone, there is a black screen delay (appx. 5-6 seconds, or so) and then the main title begins. Is there something I could do for this, or is it perhaps an inherent feature of my stand-alone?


PowerDVD reacts the same as WinDVD and Nero Show Time.
Same thing happens to me on a JVC standalone. Oficially, the removed items' playing time is 0, but sometimes there is a 'lag' where deleted items were. I consider that as 'normal', although it annoys me a little.....
yep, it will be the player taking it's time :(

if only standalones worked like PowerDVD. I know some do and I will be looking for one soon I guess

I might make a test DVD with certain issues on it so I can take it to the store to test them all :)


MackemX said:
I might make a test DVD with certain issues on it so I can take it to the store to test them all :)
Good luck on your quest!
Remember my Philips? You might wanna buy a base model.
Philips has very good DVD-+R compatibility, and generally the picture quality is a LOT better than the Chinese standalones.
Plus, if it works on it, it works ANYWHERE :)

Come to think of it, you SHOULD buy a Philips :)
Thanx for the replies, I guessed it is a "limitation" of the Pioneer, myself too. But still, why this lag happens to certain stand-alone models? Could someone explain when DS strips cells or entire titles, what it uses for replacement? I presume they are "empty" cells, or something like that, but where does DS pick them from? Are they somehow embedded in the source code, or what, and which is their duration?