difference between an mirc addon and mirc script

what 's the difference between an mirc script and an addon?

i used to think that those xdccklipper and dccassist, etc... were scripts to help you automate things,etc.... but i just learned that those r really addons and not script; a script is like invision and polaris; i'm like, huh? what r those? i i have seen the word polaris before and thought that it's some kinda fserver program.

is it good to have a script or not? i was told that those addon autoqueues can sometimes get u banned because it floods the channels and messes up the bots andget them pissed at you.

can someone explain them please?
hehe.. haaa the good ol' times with mIRC... :)

Well a "script" is a program. You write some commands, etc., to automate some task. Like in C or Java. But the difference with script file and C is that C must be compiled. After the C file is compiled, it can be run by itself. A script file require another program to read and execute.

For exemple, a script must be run inside mIRC to do some things...

Thats the general "script" definition.

But in mIRC, peoples tands to call their "mIRC program" a "script". Like Polaris, Apocalypse NOW! (is it still developed?), and others. But an add-on is also a "script" with the real definition. It's just not a "full script" meaning that an add-on only do 1 job, while a script like Polaris can do multiple job (like auto-away, autoqueues, etc)

For the question "is it good to have a script like polaris?" well... It would be like: "is it good to have a Word instead of notepad?": it depends on what you need. You don't need Word just to take some notes, but notepad is to basics...

I would suggest using add-ons as script like polaris often has TOO MUCH features and you don't know what they all do...
But maybe if you have too many add-ons you could have some incompatibility...

The choice is yours :)

Hope it helped