demuxing ac3 audio from divX.avi

How can I demux an ac3 audio stream that is currently muxed with a DivX file.
The Divx sounds fine in WMP but the audio is trashed after re-encoding with TMPGenc. Sound is bad on both Power-DVD and standalone. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Load your DivX file into VirtualDUB or NanDUB, set Audio to Full Processing Mode, then under File, hit Save WAV... Use that file as the audio source in TMPGEnc rather than the AVI.
Thanks ChickenMan for the quick reply

Nandub in "Full processing mode" wouldn't touch it, gave 2 errors, "ACM failed to suggest audio decompression format" and "AVIOutputWAV: The handle is invalid." . Nandub File Information reports the audio stream compression as "Unknown(tag 2000)".
It turns out however that Nandub with "Direct stream copy" will extract the ac3 audio stream but it misnames the resulting file as a .wav instead of .ac3. I renamed the file as a .ac3 and used HeadAC3he to make my .wav with the renamed file. It sounds great.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction ChickenMan. :D