Cyberlink PowerDVD 2.55


New member
I have just put a Liteon 16/48 DVD Rom drive in an older computer on 98SE [333MHz, 256mb] and I'm using Cyber Link Power DVD 2.55. [This is a bit elderly, but it works perfectly on my computer, on XP Pro.]
On 98SE it's all working, but I have a regular grid of tiny brown dots all over the playing area... does this ring any bells? It's perfectly watchable, but a bit irritating!


New member
ATI Rage 11+ 64mb. Seems to be working OK. The DVD player is working fine - runs smoothly, good resolution, tracking etc... just these stupid dots. You can really see them from a couple of feet away. The girl whose computer it is [sorry, grammar!] is quite happy but it's bugging me.
Had this problom back in the day..
For mi I had to install DirectX8 was using DirextX7 before that and all was fine for mi video card was a Voodoo 3 series. And run ther built in System Diagnostic from Cyberlink make sure you have an original pressed DVD for the test.. Good luck.Do you know which video card she has?
Sorry ..System Diagnostic should be in the Cyberlink program folder.


New member
not sure if this will help but worth a try!

does that version of power dvd have system diagnostic? it may be worth seeing if it comes up with anything.

also make sure dma is enabled on the dvd rom and hdd. you can access this option through device manager, selecting the drive and clicking the properties tab.

hope this helps :)
ging said:
not sure if this will help but worth a try!

does that version of power dvd have system diagnostic? it may be worth seeing if it comes up with anything.

also make sure dma is enabled on the dvd rom and hdd. you can access this option through device manager, selecting the drive and clicking the properties tab.

hope this helps :)
Yes it does come with system diagnostic, also it give's you the option to set DMA when running the test. You'll need a copyrighted protected DVD so they claim for the test.
Latest available driver seems to be the 4.10.2420 from here

The first part, 4.10 tells you it's actually a Win9x driver (4 = Win9x, 5 = Win2000, 6 = WinXP)
And DirectX 5 ( 10 = DX5, 11 = DX6, 12 = DX7, 13 = DX8, 14 = DX9).

To run with DX9 (for 3D applications, the full reference rasterizer - SDK version, is required if the driver support is below DX7).

Another quirk of the Rage II+, it's fussy about memory upgrades, so if extra memory has been fitted in the sockets that does not match the original, that may be the problem (a friend has one, I got it for him from a computer fair - as a cheap card to drive a second display).
Not found a SMALLER way to get the software reference rasterizer yet!

The ATI Video player may also be useful.


New member
sorry rastabt, didn't realise you had already given same advice.

(mental note: read through threads properly before posting)

not up on my gfx cards here guys but is This card a DIRECT X 9 compatible card !?

and is Cyberlink PowerDVD 2.55 compatible with DX9 if it is one !?