cutting sections out of an mpg

Hello all hope ya all are ok.

My question is...

I have a movie on vcd which has a damaged area about 3.30mins into the film and lasts for about there anyway i can cut the 10 seconds of crap out..i have managed to convert the dat file to mpg using vcdgear and dumped it onto my hd still with the error i had fix errors ticked in vcdgear but the error is still there.

i have tried using tmpenc latest version (as posted here in the forum cheers guys)...i managed to cut the 3.30mins before the crap fine....the rest after the crap was fine but without audio which i can't understand (i used the same settings as the first part which worked fine) .are there any easy ways of doing this as i'm not really upto learning a whole new package just to do this i'd rather burn the discs with petrol first (lol). I have got a copy of m2-edit version 4 (also the version posted here in the fourm) but this app just confusses the fu%k out of me.

Chickenman must be the guy for this question.

hope this all makes sense.

cheers for any help

flyby2001 out..........
I assume you could use TMPGEnc > MPEG Tools > Cut/Merge
Then, delete you bad 3:30 mins and merge the first and the last part...
Of course, you'd better work on a copy, just in case :D
jazzman cheers m8

i am trying that now mate it's just on the original i have sound before and after the damaged area when i cut and merge i have no sound at all on the resulting mpeg....any ideas i think i should just give in and chuck the fu%%ing thing out the window.


anymore ideas very welcome

flyby2001 out.....
For VCD's I find MyFlix 3.06 (M2 Edit's smaller brother) is the easiest program to edit out bad sections. I also use it to convert DAT to MPEG before loading as I find VCDGear's fix error function rarely does any good.
"I find VCDGear's fix error function rarely does any good." I totally agree and I tend to find it does more damage than it fixes. If I use VCDGear, it is ALWAYS with fix mpeg turned off.

I would have used TMPGEnc. In Merge & Cut I would load the MPG file in twice. Edit the first entry to start at 1sec (I never select 0sec start, long story!) and end at 3min 29sec. Then edit second entry and start at 3min 41sec and end at the End. Give an output name, selct Video-CD format & then hit RUN. It will cut & merge all in the one go as its intended to do.

I'm sure other editing tools can be used, TMPGEnc does it all so easily and simple for me.