Creating DTS DVD using DVD Decryptor ripped files

Hi there, I used DVD Decryptor to rip some chapters from various DVD's in order to make a special DVD compilation that show cases DTS sound.

Anyways, I currently have the ripped tracks, and I was recommending if someone could recommend a program for me that can burn these .vob files with ease.

I don't care about making fancy menu's or anything, I just wanted something that is:
1) easy to use
2) quick to figure out
3) can handle DTS audio sound tracks (dvd decryptor captured the DTS audio 6.1 track along with a 2.0 AC3 track and the video all into one .vob file).

I tried Sonic DVDit, Scenarist, and Nero, and neither of them seemed to handle either the DTS audio, recognize the .vob file, or both.

DVD Wise or DVD Junior

DTS or ac3 Dolby Digtal Sound. This we call Multi audio channel authoring. Not may authoring soft can do that. Due to .vob file is a very big file, make by manys elements with mpeg 2 encoded in high as 8.5mb/s video file. Multi channel like DTS, THX, AC3 Dolby Digtal Suround Sound.

Fancy menu's...but still you need to make a simple menu to run you DVD video on stand alone palyer. Needed a litter time to export your .vob file to the authoring soft. You can do a search on this... to get you DVD wise or DVD Junior.:p
Re: DVD Wise or DVD Junior

Well the thing is, the chapters I ripped from various movies were either:
a) Video with DTS Audio 6.1 track and a Dobly Digital 2.0 track
b) Video with Dolby Digital 5.1 track and Dolby Digital 2.0 track.

I am a bit confused on one point. Since I ripped the tracks using DVD decryptor, with Stream Processing on its default settings (i.e. I did not check any options, and all the default video tracks and audio tracks were selected) shouldn't there be some authoring programs that can take these video clips directly without having to rencode them?
Sorta like when I make a VCD with mpeg1 vcd1.0 compliant video I can just drag and drop tracks into nero. I was hoping I could do the same thing here.

Do you have the name(s) of any software (preferably a title that is easy to find) that I can use?

I have:
DVDMaestro v2.9
Sonic DVD Fusion v3.0
Sonic DVDit! PE v2.3
Sonic MyDVD v3.5.5
Sonic Scenarist v.2.6

and of the above only Fusion seems to want to take the files, HOWEVER, it wants to seperate the video from the audio, and I have to work with timelines and other stuff to get the stuff synched.



ac3cd said:
DTS or ac3 Dolby Digtal Sound. This we call Multi audio channel authoring. Not may authoring soft can do that. Due to .vob file is a very big file, make by manys elements with mpeg 2 encoded in high as 8.5mb/s video file. Multi channel like DTS, THX, AC3 Dolby Digtal Suround Sound.

Fancy menu's...but still you need to make a simple menu to run you DVD video on stand alone palyer. Needed a litter time to export your .vob file to the authoring soft. You can do a search on this... to get you DVD wise or DVD Junior.:p
Just like Nero...


Just all the softwares you menstion, they only authoring in seperate video and audio file. OK I just make it simple for you.

1) You don't want to Re-encode the audio !
2) You don't want to work with timelines and other stuff to get the stuff synched !
3) You don't want to make all the above extral work ! ( Right )

Yes. No need all the stuffs. Just like Nero...But you still need to make a simple menu for your DVD copy. The software again is DVD Wise or DVD Junior. They can import direct .VOB file and burn it to DVD Video. So just like VCD mpeg 1 drag and drop tracks into the above soft.;)

At now are you clear at this moment...:)
Sorry ac3cd my IQ drops like 90% when I Am on 3 hours sleep or less, so I really misunderstood your first message.

Thank you for your software recommendations: DVD Wise or DVD Junior.
I'm off to make a kick ass DTS/DD 5.1 demo CD!! (Man U-571 is an AMAZING subwoofer tester, and I got some other good tidbits like a gladiator scene, Jurassic Park 1, etc.)

