Created a DVD Mpg file but when I try to use Nero to Burn it .... it says this

That I cannot use it and must get some licensed for it or encoder.. what does that mean ? I have no problems using the mpg for a VCD but if the bitrate is higher like a SVCD or DVD mpg file it will not work ? Help ? I have Nero 5.5.9 or something downloaded 2 days ago from Nero site. Am I missing a file or need to reinstall
Whatever you do "DON"T USE THE NERO MPEG PLUGIN"The reason why you are getting this Message is because it is Not DVD Compliant and Nero wants to re-encode the file to make it compliant which will totally ruin the quality...You can"t just load a Mpeg into Nero and Burn it as a DVD..The Mpeg has to be in a "Video_TS Folder" which is the format that it gets burned on the DVD-R with..So you need an Authoring program to compile all the chapters and menu"s and the Mpeg2 file Into a Video_TS Folder then Burn it with NERO...and You odviously didn"t make any chapters or menus so that is what you need to do....