
Hi newbie here, great site. I use TMPGEnc Plus 5.7, the new one to convert avi to mpeg1 but while it converts it, it keeps locking up and i have to reboot my computer, so i cant convert.

any ideas??? or another program to convert avi to mpeg1.

Did u rip out the audio to wave first?
Load the file into virtualdub and save as wave.
Then choose the avi for video and the wave for audio in tmpgenc.
Also (if u havent already) check out Chickenmans tutorial on avi to (s)vcd.
i've been doing exactly that, i use virtual dub and load the wav format for sound and avi format for the movie, it starts to convert and at about half way the program crashes
Do u run any other applications while converting?
I find tmpgenc some times locks up if I run anything intensive in the background.
Its always worth restarting your pc and closing down anything in your system tray before encoding.
Tmpenc uses a hell of a lot of cpu power so even your screensaver can slow it down.
I've found problems with .avi usually result in an error message and not in a system lock up.
However I'm still using an earlier version than u so maybe someone else has had problems like u.
ahhhhhh this might be the case then, i drop it down while its encoding and surf the net, and have a few programs running in the background and download stuff.

should i just leave my pc alone while it does it.
I just usually leave flashget on to download stuff while I'm away.
Anything else is probably pushing it.
You shouldnt really have anything else running while TMPGenc is running as it wants to use 100% of your processor power.

Also, the AVI can have problems itself. Run it through DivFix (from to check there are no problems and make a new header. Crashing of TMPGEnc is common for AVI's with problems.