Crack DRM protection

There is UNF**K for the older version, and another one for later versions.
Pointers to both!
Hi guys,

I didn't use FreeMe yet (I haven't come across one protected WMA again), but used UnFuck. My problem with this trick to unprotect WMA is the quality you get. UnFuck is a recorder, It uses the sound card to record the WMA song. I have nothing against it, but the problem is that when you have a WMA at 80, 96 or higher the unprotected is always 64 (quality destortion, IMHO).

When I download something in WMA, what I do first is download the first song. If it is protected I go on searching, if not then I download the Album.Some newbies forget to uncheck the DRM and then we get this problem.

Almost a couple of years ago I downloaded Britney's Spears - Oops I did it again in WMA format. It was unprotected, because I could play them and convert them without any problem to MP3. I recorded those WMA on a CD and three month's latter put it to play on my brother's portable. Guess what, the stupid program, WMP, told me to take contact with the owner, because I wasn't authorized to play those files. Strange was that I still could convert them, but not play :confused: . So from that day off, every WMA I downloaded has been converted to MP3 Immediatly.

Hope you get a good result.

