cover designer


New member
Can ANYBODY please help. Nero support is completely useless and staffed by morons!!!!
InCover Designer if you selct 2 or three discs on the opening window, the design and disc info is only printed on the first disc and discs 2 & 3 are blank. I use ScanMos labels which have three discs per page and I have a lot with the first disc used and the other two unusable. Even in 'Elements', when printing, you cannot select just disc 2 or 3. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Just fiddled with mine (single) and found that if you click the GREEN CD in elements, it goes RED and the next one selects GREEN (this is Nero 6)

Choosing 2 disks, it selected two places on the sheet - it's really annoying having to select the stationery individually for every item though (the drop box in the titlebar) - if you set it for one CD, it doesn't carry to the others, and if there's a default/global setting, I haven't found it yet - this program is so badly organised!


New member
Thanks very much LTR12101B. This works fine, all we have to do now is find out how the pre-designed backgrounds can be printed on Discs 2 & 3. I've tried all sorts of things but to no avail. I have a folder full of emails to and from Nero support from someone called Al Valerio. I think he is a robot but they left the brain out!!!! He has NO idea about how Nero even works! Once again thanks a lot for the reply.


New member
I've got it sorted. You only need to use Disc1. When you have put all the information on with your pre-designed background go to Print/Elements, select Disc 1 and click on the green disc which goes red and Disc 2 goes green click on this, it goes red and Disc 3 goes green and when you print, the info from disc one is printed on label 3!!!!! Why can't they put this in the pdf file?
I would never have sorted this without your help thank you very much.