Corrupt SVCD BIN...

I have downloaded a SVCD BIN/CUE inage that can´t be burned. I have tried to convert to ISO but nothing seems to work.
Is there a way to re-create the image? What I mean is a way to convert the AVSEQ01.MPG file to a true MPG file and then create a new SVCD image from there.
Hope for a solution..:)


Use isobuster to get the.mpg file.
Just select filter only m2f2 mpeg frames.
The resulting file should be a true .mpg.
Best to use isobuster on the downloaded bin file if youve still got it.
Then if the file is ok use nero to burn a compliant svcd.
I suspect if the .mpg is damaged u may have avsync problems.
Look at Chickenmans Tuts for solution to that.
Good luck!