Copyright cd's


New member
Can you anyone help. What do I need to copy a copyrighted audio cd to my mp3 player? The new Kylie cd has some copy controlled software on it. All I want to do is copy in mp3 format to my player. - it might be a CD which contains audio, but it is NOT a valid audio CD.

Various protection methods are used, from the one that can be beaten merely by holding the SHIFT key on insertion, to those which are heavily drive/software dependent.

If all else fails, play it through to line-in from an external player and re-record, if you're MP3-ing at "portable" size, the loss of absolute digital precision should not make much difference.
Hi lori62, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

the ability to bypass audio copy protections depends mainly on the reading device you use;
if the hardware is able to handle these, then EAC is a good software partner;

here is a nice tutorial about AudioCD protections:

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Greetings from