Copying Games (Not As Basic As It Sounds)

Well i dont think it's as basic as it sounds.

I Hired Out This Playstation Game, Jonah Lomu Rugby and used ClonyXXL to scan the cd before copying it, the i opened CloneCD through Clony and continued on, and copied the cd. (And Took The Game Back B4 Testing The Copied One :|)

Only To Find Out, That The Game Doesnt Work On My PSX.

I Do Have It Chipped, And Have Many A Copied Games, But This One Doesn't Seem To Work.

What Have I Done Wrong?


what writer you using

What writer and pc specs have you got....i don't ever get a problem "backing up" psx discs. sometime clonyxxl does make the wrong choices for your machine.

did you have read sub channel data ticked????

we can only try and help if you provide all the relavent info m8. try downloading the clonecd profiles from the forum and give those a try.

flyby2001 out......
Samsung CD Writer
666 Mhz (Meant to have 1ghz, but itz screwed)
128 Ram

I Never Have Copied A PSX Game On This Machine, but have never had a problem copying before.

The Playstation is having trouble reading the disc as far as i know, and only loads up to the memory card screen.
copy ALL psx games in clone cd with READ SUB CHANNEL AUDIO /SUBCHANNEL DATA ticked nothing else !!!


mak sure your burner supports SUBCHANNEL reading and all should be fine for just about any psx game you care to throw at it :)

this method is the most reliable not all psx games have LYBCRYPT protection on them but some do and the protection lies within the SUB CHANNELS so hence the DO NOT repair subchannel data :) or it will repair the subs and the copy will fail !!:)

quality of cdr media used can also be a problem with PSX as there pretty picky with some brands :)
pokopiko, that wasnt entirely helpful, i know what you are getting at, but was it realy needed to be so sarcastic?

@BestNzWrestler, as i've said many times before on here, i know everyone swears by clone, but just try doing a straight disc copy with cdrwin or dj or nero, if it works then good, if it doesnt then hop off to somewhere like or gamecopyworld and find the patch and patch the image created with cdrwin then burn that
Don't forget to burn it at max 4x, since some psx's don't like higher speed, I also noticed that depends on medium :)
If this was pointed to me then I'll quote BestNzWrestler

"I Hired Out This Playstation Game, Jonah Lomu Rugby and used ClonyXXL to scan the cd before copying it, the i opened CloneCD through Clony and continued on, and copied the cd. (And Took The Game Back B4 Testing The Copied One :|)"
If not, just ignore my post then :D
pokopiko's right peps

saying Samsung CD Writer is like saying i drive a ford....errrr what model would be good....with you all the way pokopiko on this one....the info provided is essensial for helping on which s/w to use...if the drive he/she owns does not read sub channel data the the way i see it no app will burn a working back up.

flyby2001 out......

this is not rocket science after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've heard that there is a problem with newer version of CloneCD that reject the cloning of PSX media or media with the infamous 'bad' sectors. Whether this is true or not, I have no clue because I use Nero.

Different burning proggies are affected by different mod chips. Some games will work with a PSX but not a PS2 and visa versa. I know Prassi to be one of these. Media is important but not that important, burning speed is more important (nothing above 8x unless you like skipping FMV).

You can also run a test extraction on the bad CDR to see if there was a problem writing data during the burn.
Thanks For all your help. And Im Sorry Im Too Stupid To Work Out What Model It Is, I Could probably Find Out, But When I Posted, I Didnt Have Much Time And Had To Go...

Samsung CDR/RW SW-224B

And If I Recopied The Version I Copied (As Im Pretty Sure It Has All The Same Files On It) But With The New Options Selected, Could It Then Work?
doubt it m8

depending on wether the copy you took had the sub channel data if this noption was ticked to read and the option do not repair sub channel data on write was ticked then there is a chance it could just be a media or burnspeed problem...give it a go only burn a 4x to be sure. whats the worst that could happen...another coaster. I heard tha psx's like light coloured cdr's..not blue bottom cdr how true i don't know cause i only use silverish or as close as i can get to them.



for info on using cdrwin and nero for backing up psx games all the settings are give in the tutorials.


flyby2001 out.........
Should I Make An Image Of The CD and Then Write From That image, Cuz I Only Have Access to The Copied Not Functioning One.

So How Could I Get This Too Work?
Copyïng psx

Jonah lomou rugby is NOT protected h**p:// so you can burn it with any program you want. Subchannel data is not relevant, and you should not thick those options.

If you look here h**p:// you see that your drive is NOT listed. Blindwrite has it listed
h**p:// You can grab this software from the main site _ under "downloads\cdr software\vso software".

You better burn from the "original" psx-disc only, because you never now the history of a copied disc. Inspect the disc's for scrathes and fingers. Burnspeed NOT lower than 4x with your highspeed drive if you use certified media. If not burn 2x. Use reliable media e.g. disc's with high reflection. Taiyudens are good disc, they sell under their own brand, but also under the sony brand and others. Look for the code in the inner circle of the disc, it must begin with "PM".

Clean the laser from your psx if needed. If it is a older model from the 1002 series (the first ones) or the 5502 series, it is very choosy for the media used. The best results you will have with the "verbatim metal azo"disc.

Hopes this will help you. Have a good burn!
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