copying gamecube games

just playing around a bit with bakcing up gamecube stuff. the mini dvds get recognized by nero or primo with some GB. e.g. 007 agent under fire has 1.7GB. When the programs start reading the minidvd they cant read and an error occurs. is there any dvd-compatible backup program like blindread/write that ignores tracklength and just reads?


hmm..little "add on" to roadworkers reply ...
NTFS file system & Win2k/XP .. Fat32 limits file size to 4 gb ;)

hummmmmmmm i cut and pasted this from a gamecube forum i read recently

Hong Kong has hacked the gamecube into playing pirated games burned onto MINI-DVD or CD-R formats. They have developed a CD/DVD addon and use the Gamecube's expansion ports to implement it.


there is hope out there yet people lol !! :D
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