copying cd/rw discs

I use Nero InCd to format cd/rw discs and then use them to store data. What is the easiest to copy the entire cd to another cd/rw without copying all the contents to hard disk and then copying back?
Don't like this kind of software (packet writing) so I didn't try before, but perhaps, if you try to copy it in RAW mode, using software like clone CD, CD Mate, etc you could do.


CloneCD is your best choice

CloneCD is the best choice here becuase the program writes in RAW DAO/96 (if burner supports) ;) You can download the latest version of CloneCD here:
CD-R Soft
Go to downloads, then Elaboryte Bytes :D
You can copy on the fly( cd copy to cd) as long as your DVD/CD-Rom& CDRW are on seperate IDE channels.

cdr copy

try ez coaster maker (hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa):cool:

but really you can use clone to do the trick:

like pepsi said it writes in raw mode

not sure, but maybe even phantom cd would do, but a sure fire software is clone.

let us know how it goes:)

If I understand your question well, you want copy from CD to CD-RW (formated)?! Easiest way is to put CD in your CD-ROM, CD-RW in your burner, open CD-ROM Ctrl+A (select all) - COPY, than open your burner (of course OPEN means open with explorer) - PASTE! Also, you have command when you right-click something SEND TO - Drive F or G or somethin' like that, depends of your hardware.;)

P.S. Let's make it easier, you can use your burner like any other directory on your HD, copy, paste, delete, edit...:D
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Thanks for the help. CloneCD DID NOT Work. Again I am trying to copy a cd/rw formatted with InCd and contains data to another cd/rw as a backup without copying all the files to hard drive first and then re-writing to the second disk.
Any more ideas?
drag and drop

to drag and drop you'll have to have the file stored on hd won't you?

do you have both cd-rom and cdr-rw burner?

if so do as jasmin said :
if not your gonna have to write to temp file on hd witch most proggy will erase after a completed writing session.

also is content of disc copyright protected?

although I would'nt suggest it but EZ cd creature will copy disc to disc.
joepresley said:
I use Nero InCd to format cd/rw discs and then use them to store data. What is the easiest to copy the entire cd to another cd/rw without copying all the contents to hard disk and then copying back?
Pick your choices.

1. If you want to duplicate the CD then CD COPY is the one, and just about any CDR program will do.

2. If the CD has Copy Protection then CD COPY using Special CDR Programs can dupe the Copy Protection. This I will have to leave to the experts because too many of them and I don't know which one is the better choice.

3. If you just want to copy DATA then just load just about any CDR program, select DATA mode then Drag & Drop to fill the CD. You don't need to format the CD, you don't need any special program to read.

4. Nero InCD and Roxio DirectCD etc. are Packet Writing programs those require to format the CD-R/W, and may require reader in order to read. I don't think many people use Packet Writing as they are not very reliable.
pokopiko said:
Oh boy, here we go again... :rolleyes:

LoL poko...


The ONLY way to do this is to take your blank CDRW and format it using InCD. Then all you will have to do is take the CDRW that contains the data and place it in your CD-ROM. Put the newly formatted CDRW in your CDRW drive. Now, open up Windows Explorer and copy the contents of the data CDRW to the blank CDRW using copy/paste or drag/drop. If you don't know how to copy/paste or drag/drop then post back here and I will explain it.
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seems like this thing is going around in circles.
I'll just add my circle to it also LOL:

as mentioned by a few people already;
you have to format the CDRW disc first (your new blank 1). No ways around it (unless as you copy the other CD it magically, or the burning software, formats it.
Secondly after formatting it, you then just drag and drop with explorer the files/software/folders from the other CDRW to it and it will copy fine. Otherwise drag and drop the files/folders/apps you want to your HDD and burn those to your newly formatted CDRW disc.
No real other way around it.
Don't forget that CDRW discs are different from CD-R discs and you must work within their limits.

Ofcourse I could be all wrong lol, but tossing another circle/twist to this for pokopiko to go mad is fun =)

am sure there are other ways similar to doing it, but I know you cannot use cloneCD and other so called 1vs1 burning software to do it like that.