Copy protection scanner ClonyXXL development stopped!?!

Cut and paste from cdfreaks!!

It seems that development of copy protection scanner ClonyXXL has been stopped. The website of the tool seems to be closed and a message reads in German: "Maybe I will continue here, but don't ask me when".

ClonyXXL was probably the best known and most popular tool to determine the copy protection used on a CD. The software enabled users to put in a CD, scan for the copy protection and launch their favorite duplication software.

At first this was only CloneCD, (hence the name Clony) but later on support for other software was added. Also support for Alcohol 120% and Blindwrite were available trough add-ons.

Recently the software was also bundled with GameJack.
NewGen said:
So wat is the final released version ?!
v2.0.1.5 ?!

Yep....I think he had to stop,due to the new german copyright law......the german gouvernement declared that stuff like Alcohol 120%,CloneCd,Gamejack and so on ,are illegal programs from now on....... :mad: