Copy DVD Plays on computer - won't play on DVD play


New member
Using Maxwell DVD-R blank discs. Using X-oom movie clone to rip and burn. All copy DVDs will play on LG GSA 4081-B on the computer. Some copy DVDs will play on LG DV7821P player, seems to have problems locating start of the DVD. Can someone please help ? Could this be a media issue - should I try Ritek discs. Have also checked the DVD player compatibility list and there is not really anything for preferred media for this particular model player. The same problem occurs even with the DVDdecrypter.
Hi Whatever2004, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

would suggest you to try Ritek media first;
if this doesn't help, try to use another software combination for the remastering/burning process by following < this tutorial >;

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Greetings from


New member
X-oom copy DVD plays on computer - won't play on DVD player

Hi all,
thank you for your reply. As a last resort, and from reading others comments, downloaded DVD Shrink. This has fixed the problem. I now decrypt using DVD shrink and burn using X-oom. Out of 10 copies done - ALL work and some using the cheapest DVD media I could buy. Also playing straight on the PS2. So for other X-oom users out there take note. Problem seems to be with the X-oom decrypter ? Have to vote DVD Shrink as no. 1.

Also was able to copy the faulty copies onto the hard drive - use the DVD Shrink and make a new, working copy.

If anyone wants more info - just ask - happy to help.
some using the cheapest DVD media I could buy
But they may not work for long & certainly U may have problems in other players

It always pays in the long run to use Good quality media <> me I go for any using Ritek G04 Dye