Copy Dreamcast Games

I have original and already copied Dreamcast games, but how do I burn them again or for the first time? :confused:

If somebody could help me, I would be very thankful. I'm already quite desperate about this.
every dc game original needs "ripping" before it can be copied so you would need to learn how to do it (try a tutorial from ) for games that you already own legitimate backups of you should find that dj4 will copy them without trouble (create image then burn image not copy cd).
im new at burning dc games and have questions of the same sort.
i have copied games, and want to burn copies of the copy. can a trail version of dj4 do this or do i have to actually buy it. also you said to create image and burn that, not just copy cd, how do you create an image?
to copy a copy

you just need clonecd on following options:
read every session - an finish every session
every copy of dreamcast games has 2 sessions

but how did you copy the original games?
poko is right, easy cd destroyer was the first program that could copy the utopia boot disc but cdrwin still wont copy it (not the real cdrwin anyway, i dont mean that fake crap cdrwin)
i didnt copy them myself, i borrowed the copied games off a buddy, who bought them off some guy.

ive tired to copy them on easy cd creator 4, i clicked copy data disc and that didnt work.

ive tried the demo clonecd v., i clicked copy cd (i couldnt find the options menu that has the following options:
read every session - an finish every session - as i was told to try)

i tried to save an image on clonecd and then burn the image but that didnt work

i also tried demo discjuggler 4, but it says it isnt compatible with my burner or reader (which seems very wierd - isnt this supposed to be the best burning program?))
i think i must have posted this a few times all over the place but here it is again just for the benefit of those who missed it ....

a little information re:- dreamcast etc :-

.....from owning a DC and reading a lot about them its possible to rip DC games with a pre-made/self made serial data lead ! but heres the but......

1.) u need an upload boot disk that makes it all possible thats not a prob search for one and download an burn it !

2.) u need a lot of hard disk space bout 2 - 4 gig is ample (not a prob with latest hd sizes !!!)

3.) this is the best part .........
it takes around 24 hrs or more to upload the disk in its entire format ! so hope u got plenty of time and or a spare pc because yours will be busy for a while ! lol

4) once ripped the data is too big to fit on a normal 74 - 99 min cd

5) prepare and find out how to butcher the image file data to get it to fit !! ( a little knowledge of what yer doing here may help judgement lol ) but music cut scenes and intros/outros are usually missed out!

6) butcher it to fit !

7) figure out how to build a DC game they are CD EXTRA (thats a start)

8) figure out that that dont work if u burn it because ya now need to know how to hack the readme_1st bin and the boot bin or get one made already (clue search the net here)

9) learn how to assemble all the above to an image file or burn program !

10) finally burn the game and play may not work 1st time =( trash loads more disks trying =(as DC dont read CDRW =( till ya get it right!!!

11) NOT BOTHER WITH THE ABOVE buy the game and keep the industry alive well the games developers developing lol =)

12) Find some one else that can do the above for ya ! save u the effort and headache and disk cost trying!

13) leech the games from a friendly FTP or sharing client or HTTP site !

14) Copy em of someone elses copy !!=)

15) erm there is no 15 thats the end u can stop reading now lmao !!=)

hope this clears up some matters here regarding DC duplication =)

ya, it really helped clear up that your no help at all

to everyone besides viper the supermoderator, thanks for the input guys, i figured it out.
@ livn i have posted that text over and over here at least 3 times and on other forums it saves me typin it again and again if you dont like it how it is then thats no problem im just laying it on the line that IS EXACTLY how difficult it really is to get a copy from an original without a pressing plant :(

@ woody thanks for the input there bud ;) ive had worse but yeah still no need to get stroppy with the posters of information "livn" espesh the moderators as we run this place to give YOU somewhere to ask these needed questions without US you will not be able to figure these things out :)
some may no some may not but ive found if u want to copy
a copy of a dreamcast game NOT ORIGINAL.
i use prassi premo dvd v2.0
it was just bordom one day so i had a mess i used a self boot
game stuck it in the reader blank in the burner
and clicked copy cd flat out well 12 speed 4 mins later out it popped and tried it it booted a dream
also great program for mp3 not just dvd stuff

thought id let u no cheers jambo:D

thanks, but i know how to burn already copied games - i need to know how to burn originals.

thanks anyway.

@ zewland i know you did not like my upfront reply earlier in this thread but the facts are in the documentation there IS NO WAY to duplicate dreamcast originals 1:1 unless you have thousands to throw at a pressing machine they are special disks CD+G

read this attached infomative jpeg care of cdr info if you think im making this up !?

hope this makes things easier to understand other than using a pressing machine there is no way of doing them without ripping stuff out using an uplink cable and uplink disk !?

it isn't right: there is a way to copy games and now I know how - you just need a linkcable from dreamcast to pc - so now i can copy such games - anyway - bye