copies without a blank audio directory..!!


New member
Hi there...time after time i am getting copies of films or concerts off friends that dont contain the blank audio directory,that i thought all players needed to play the bloody things...!!!
The disks in question, tho play on a friends dvd i am a bit stumped, as to why they dont play on mine (my player is the brand that ASDA sell for £40(cant for the life of me think of the brand), that plays mp3's picture disks...just about everything, apart from these disks..!!
I used Nero 6 to copy all of my stuff, and always include the blank audio bit..
can anybody tell me of a way to play these disks on my player, without me having to reburn the disk, and placing the blank bit in...???
Thanks in advance..

The AUDIO_TS folder is not essential (AFAIK) but most DVD's have it.

perhaps U could remake the DVD & burn it with an AUDIO_TS folder & see what happens
Is the Concert DVD PAL or NTSC and what is your TV/Player set up for? Is the ASDA player set to a Region which differs from the dvd? I really doubt the absence of the AUDIO_TS folder has anything to do with them playing or not.


New member
Hi...the dvd's are pal....and tv is set to pal also.....i was reading an earlier post about different media, not be maybe these disks are -r and my player only likes +r...or the other way around......
