Copied disk cant be read using BWA (blindwrite)

Hi guys, may be someone can shed some light on my problem.
after reading about ppl's success on using BWA which came wit the new blindwrite suite, i decided to give it a go.

I tried making a 1:1 copy of Neverwinternights (i know that the protection system has been phased out with official patches but i just wanted to try it out). I did the thing with the BWA builder and got the 4 boxes on the hyperbola as the help file described, then read the CD with subcodes on nibble at 1x, and burnt it. the BWA was detected in the log and everything burnt ok. However, non of my CD drives can read the CD at all.

heres the eventlog:
***----- Image verification started -----***
HD image is OK
Sector: Bad headers 0 - Bad Edc 0 - Weak 0 - Status 1
File systems: Volumes 2 - files 378 - folders 18
Volume size 592282 boot 0 Vol ID NWN_PLAY - 1/06/2002 4:55:00 AM Status 1
***----- Image verification ended -----***
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
Patin-couffin version 9 in use
Blindwrite Version
Cd Unit report started at 23/11/2002 10:44:48 PM
VendorID : "SONY"
UnitId : "CD-RW CRX140"
FwID : ""
FwDate : "1.0p"
Drivers : 00000000/00000000/000000000000001F
Speeds : 32/8/4/0
Bsize : 4096
Flags : 00000
end of CD Unit report
***----- CD DEVICE INFO END OF REPORT -----***
Unit 2:1:0 - SONY CD-RW CRX140E 1.0n [H]
Speed Max
Writing mode : DAO PW
Physical CD descriptor (BWA) file found.
3174 dual sectors will be added to recreate lower sector densities
Sectors read : 299317
Sectors built: 0
CD is complete

i suspect there may be something to do with the "dual sectors" thing. Anyone have a comment?
In hitman 2 the way to make it run is making 2 disc, one disc using bwa file and the second without it, for installation purposes. This is because the disc burned using bwa file cant be used for installation due to the corruption¿?.

maybe this is what happened to you

i see wat u one no bwa so it can actually be read from, and one with BWA so when the game starts it'll be detected as the original due it is identical structure created by the BWA. so in effect u need 2 discs to create a 1:1 copy so to
more like a 2:1 copy...
Blindwrite Suite Version 4.2.4 is out

All about this is in the online help of Blindwrite Suite Version 4.2.4. When you read the "original", blindwrite will try to connect to their servers and it will tell you the best way to copy the game.
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