Converting problems

I'm using the tutorial done by elpresidente and I'm having a few problems.
I couldnt find a CCE 2.50 so I'm using 2.64. When I get to the edit part the pages are different to what's in the tutorial. I know it says thay are simmilar but this is my first convert and I dont know what I doing. When I go to convert it says "couldn't find appropriate video codec for VIFP.

Firstly if someone can give me a link to download a 2.50 version that would be great, and secondly where do I find the appropriate codec.

Any help would be appreciated, my wife is starting to think my investment in a DVD burner is a waste of money, lets prove her wrong.


CCE 2.50 Trial Version is available on ....

btw. I think u r talking about the VFAPI converter .... If that is true ...then go to the directory were the converter is ....and start the vifpset.bat .... u shouldn´t get this error message again ...
