Converting from DVD (*.vob) to (S)VCD using Roxio VideoPack

I have been using TMPG enc. for some time with success i think.
I have made a lot of (S)VCDs using this program mainly from DVDs.

Now I am trying to do the same thing using Roxio Videopack 5 but with no luck.

At the end of converting I get a message that : *.mpa includes AC3 audio stream. Can only be used as is. Error muxing.

I wonder if I am doing this right or if this program can do this job at all.

Everything work fine while konverting and burning *.mpg to (S)VCD.

Any ideas please ?

ya I have a great idea, junk it! lol
CM has updated his tutorial on SVCDs so you would want to have a look at that & 99.99% of stuff coming from roxio is just not even worth taking a look at.
ollie, I tried Vid Pack 5 a while back and never got anywhere with it, when it did work quality was not there. Just to many probs.

If you want SVCD, try the new Tutorial I posted a few weeks back, using DVD2SVCD with Cinema Craft Encoder. Absolutely fantastic and MUCH quicker than using TMPGEnc..

As for VCD, I'm playing with the latest ( an un-released DVD2SVCD ) that is now capable on making fully compliant VCD's in a much simpler almost one click procedure. I will be posting when I've sorted all the problems and options.
Thank you, ChickenMan.

As always you have a decent answer, not just telling the uselessness of every Roxio product.

I am not very fond of Roxio products myself, but I`ve obtained good results using WinOnCD for burning, though I prefer to use Nero and CloneCD.

My daughter have her own computer using Easy CD Creator with no problems at all and now she wants to make her own (S)VCDs.
I thought she wanted to try it using your excellent tutorial, but she hopes I can find an all-in-one program that is easier to use.

I therefore wanted to try Roxio VideoPack hoping for good results, but as you said, you will have many problems.

I want to try your new tutorial, but the link to the Cinema Craft Encoder is dead and their homepage has only a trial for download.
You even have to register before downloading. I think?

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ollie, just do a search for CCE on this forum, lots of links posted and maybe even the program itself. DVD2SVD is almost a 1 click program if you use the internal DVD ripping feature. Once you use it a few times you will see just how simple it really is.

daveml, all my initial tests show an improvement in quality for both Video & Audio ! I have the tut written, just waiting for the program/version to be realeased !
Yes, I have found CCS v2.50.0.1 and followed your tutorial with very good results, except for an interruptive noise during the opening of disc 1. Maybe it`s not there on my next attempt?

Thank you for all your help and guidance, ChickenMan !

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