Convert XP Pro to Corp?

I've heard it said that it's possoble to "convert" Windows XP Pro to XP Corp ...

Is it possible? -- If so, how?
By registry?
By hack (I much prefer the word "patch")?

I would appreciate any info and/or links on this.

i thaught they wer the same thing like im using 2k pro but when i install it says executive then back to corp but when i use it it says pro................. ho well maybe someone here can tell u
where can I find I searched in google but with no result mostof the sites only talked about the file and other have removed . can anybody help me with this


jeme3 said:
where can I find I searched in google but with no result mostof the sites only talked about the file and other have removed . can anybody help me with this

You didn't read the tutorial all the way through did you?! :rolleyes: ;)

At the end of my tutorial under **ADDENDUM: August 2002**, there's an active link to the files. Just checked it and it still works.