Compatibility of software with CR-4804TE (Mitsumi)

Yes, I am still back in the Feudal era with my CR-4804TE and WinonCD 3.6. (But it is SO reliable). I am looking for a higher version of WinonCD
(please don't make me go to the Roxio experience to find one).

3.7 or 3.8 ? What's the difference? What's "Power'' edtition?

Would WinonCD 5.0 work with the above burner?

Where else can I get 'it' (I guess this means downloading from a software source). It'll probably be cheap by now.

I don't know where you can buy newer version of WOC, but i'm quite sure that the differences between versions 3.6-5.0 for you are not so big (at least concerning audio). The main difference is, of course, compatibility with win xp
I suppose you could buy the download version (in US $) from here
Nope, only offers US / Canada

Had a hunt round - and anly ONE AU e-store had WinonCD (V5 - unavailable/discontinued)

Do ROXIO sit on it, because it beats the hell out of their "flagship" Easy Cd Creator?
If I remember rightly, it will work with 3.7pe, but 3.8 doesn't recognise the writer.
I'm sure I've still got both versions around somewhere, I'll have a look
Thanks for responses so far; Power edition?

Thanks for replies so far; the cequadrat site is much better than it was early 2002. I have queried why they only say US/Canada market, and waiting for reply (which may never come).

What is the deal with 'Power edition': what can it do that the plain program can not? Substance or appearance? Let's talk 5.0, that's all I look like being able to acquire.

Call me a nerd , but I find LTR's binary joke funny.


I doubt if WOC 5 which is not "power edition" exists at all, since i think that this version of WOC was no more bundled with recorders. In earlier versions (3.6-3.8) "power edition" indicated full featured version (in "normal" bundled version you cannot set lenght between audio tracks - pause is always 2 sec.). Maybe there is more differences between "normal" and "power edition" versions...
@FaldonStrangely for what it's worth stick to the 3series 3.8PE OR 3.7 is out there just like anything else one may need. :D The PE version has dvd and some video burning extras.And yes I still have this version install on the desk top PC. v6DVD edition I find it very bloaty but it does the business have it on my xp notebook too.. :p Yes
Please don't ask mi where to locate v3.8PE
XP Support is one reason for upgrading - V3.8 has an update for limited Xp compatibility, so anything earlier is a no go with XP - just like earlier versions of Easy Cd Cremator (though apparently, v4.05 could just about be used).

Oh the joy of upgrading an OS - If the new bugs don't getcha, the incompatibilities will!

PS. Trying not to gloat! - some time back, there was a 4 hour freebie offer from Cequadrat, and I was up at 7am Sunday morning (local time) grabbing it - it was rumoured that they MIGHT repeat it at some point, but nobody heard of it if they did!

And there was NO country restriction then!
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