Closed Harddrive

I have an old 8 gig Western Digital that I can´t use I can´t format it and I can´t install anything on it. I run a testprogram and it says that dirive is closed errorcod 0220 is it any way to fix it please help me I do need this disk.
"some" hardware fabricators providing such infos at their homepage; ;)

Error code: 220
Explanation: Drive is Locked
Definition: Security feature of the drive reports locked status. Some vendors use the security feature to ensure the usage of only specific drives in their system, or the drive may have been locked by a user using a third party utility to enable this feature. The same utility and the original code used to lock the drive are necessary to unlock this drive. Please contact the system vendor for the above-mentioned information.
Status: Contact System Vendor

Greetings from
Thanks Duracell but that I did know, but is it some other way to do it?
The HDD comes from an upgraded PC and the one who closed it is not there any more.
i don't know if so called 3rd party "low level formating tools" can do that; but i wouldn't believe in them, because real low level formating can not be done by you and such tools; also i can't remember the name, but there are a few useless "low level formating tools" around; anyhow it would be worth a try;