clony xxl & aspi layers?

I'm trying clony xxl for PS2 back-ups.Problem is when I start the program it says no aspi layer loaded.Not sure if there are settings to do first,or if it's a driver issue.I have found a lot of tut's for this proggy,but none are helpful with troubleshooting.Any help or direction would be appreciated.


Welcome to the group flynhigh! Make sure to stop by here and read the Rules. Enjoy your stay and come back often.

You need an ASPI layer bud. ;)

It's an acronym for.... Advanced SCSI Programming Interface.

Read about ASPI here:

Personally I (and most peeps here) recommend ForceASPI 1.7. It will install Adaptec ASPI layer v4.60 (1021). There are newer ASPI versions, but that can be problematic. Try this first and if you run into problems, then try a more recent version.

ForceASPI link:
Thanks for the quick reply.After I posted I found ASPI 4.1.7 and tryed it.I was able to see dvd-rom & cd-rw,but could not read from dvd-rom.I checked the link you attached(thanks again) very useful info.I am gonna try force aspi17 I'll post back with the results.


NP bud! ;)

Make sure you remove the old ASPI layer before installing the older one. With ForceASPI 1.7....

1) Run dumpASPI to backup your current ASPI layer (just in case)
2) Run killASPI to remove your old ASPI layer
3) Run instASPI to install the new ASPI layer and reboot
4) Run aspichk to confirm that everything worked OK

Did everything as per instructions.Aspi layer did change,but still have same problem with dvd-rom drive.I think clony just can't see the drive.If anything changes i'll post the repair maybe it might help some one else in need.Thanks for the reply's......