CloneDVD Registry Cleaner

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Hi all,
Can anyone PLEASE assist me with a registry cleaner for CloneDVD?
I am unable to use my version as it expired before my serial number was entered.
Now I'm locked out of the software.
I do have the cleaner but the rules on here is NO WAREZ OR LINKS TO WAREZ..

Edited reason:- @ mojo8850 great start to the post by pointing out we are NO WAREZ but then you go on to spoil it by offering to help in other ways :mad: :mad: not good huh !? >>>VIPER_1069 <<<< :)

please read the forum rules here thanks >
@Jango try emailing slysoft with your details and ask them to help your registration woes ...if you are a registerd paid for user im sure they will be only too glad to help your problem :)

To offer advice how to clean the registery would also be giving advice how to re register a warez release that someone else may have ripped off :(

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