Clonecd DB

Hi all,

I remeber sometime ago that there was a program called CCDB which had all the settings to backup induvidual games correctly (and working). Seeing I haven't done any backups in a while I was wondering if this program was still avalable and upto date.

The reason I ask is the last 2 games failed using Alcohol120% and I just can't be bothered with it any more and I've decided to go back to CCD, anyway I used to send in my results for others I would like to again.

Well thanx inadvance :)
most people use CLONY X.X.L or SCOUT instead i too had that database but it seems to be no longer in circulation !?

well at least no updates !?

I used to use clony but seeing I haven't used CCD since v3 can you input the setting manually as I here its all automated now and you have to use profiles.
The last game was Sims Hot Date for my wife, I used Alsohol 120 using the SD2 settings.
I have a Liteon 32123s cdrw.

I scaned it with ClonyXXL and the did the copy and scaned the copy with Clony and it showed the same protection but when you insert the cd the game wont load and asks for the original.

Have U got CloneCD's or Alcohol's hide cdr or ignore medis type checked in the options?

That might help
