Hi Guys,
Complete DVD Ripping/Burning Noob here
I read through the forums and decided to give DVD Decrypter and Clone DVD a go as my method of choice for making copies of my movie DVD's as this seems to be a popular option
Now, I placed my commercial movie DVD into my DVD Burner and used DVD Decrypted to rip it to my Hard Drive. Following the advice of a poster above I did it in File mode and selected ALL files. Sweet, worked a treat, created a directory on my hd with the volume label of the DVD, then a Video_TS subdirectory with about 3.9 Gb worth of files in it. All seemed well.
I then loaded up Clone DVD, wasn't really sure what to select so I selected Clone DVD then pointed it to the above mentioned directory. I clicked in the preview pane and it was showing the movie fine (albeit with no menu but I'm thinking its because the movie must have been selected in one of the other panes). So basically I went through the windows and told it to burn it.
About an hour later that tray ejects and Clone DVD says its Burnt Successfully.
Now however, the DVD does not auto run, when I view the DVD in Windows Explorer there are no files in it, in a PC DVD-Rom it keeps saying please insert disc but when I look at the surface of the DVD I can see that data is burnt onto the DVD...
Where did I screw up???
If there is a link to stupid people to show us step by step how to do it, I'd be muchly appreciative, or if you post some answers back here even better
Thanks in advance guys