can somebody tell me the best software to clean a old live?
i have cool edit 2000 & Sound Forge 5+Noise plug-in
i'm a novice
can somebody tell me what have i to do , after eliminate the noise
play with the volume , eq??!?!?
where can i find tips or a tutorial about make that a live song sound better
the live audio is very old and is recored on a tape
a url....
can somebody tell me the best software to clean a old live?
i have cool edit 2000 & Sound Forge 5+Noise plug-in
i'm a novice
can somebody tell me what have i to do , after eliminate the noise
play with the volume , eq??!?!?
where can i find tips or a tutorial about make that a live song sound better
the live audio is very old and is recored on a tape
a url....