chapter and audio dvd ripping question

Hi there, I am trying to create a compilation of select video clips (Actually DTS encoded video clips) from a few DVD's and I was wondering if someone could help me with how to achieve this task (and if you can recommend what software to use to achieve this).

My goal is to rip a few of the best sample DTS Audio demo's from a 5 disc collection my friend has and to arrange my pick of these clips onto 1 DVD which I would burn with my a04 dvd burner (using sonic dvd it! or some other sonic program).

Here is a sample disc I am trying to rip:

There are 9 title tracks, each with their own chapter. How would I rip these tracks individually (I only want a few from each DVD so I want to rip them selectively).

Now, I will be burning the ripped tracks back onto DVD, so I would want to rip these tracks perfectly so I don't have to rencode them or lose an video/audio quality.
(For the record, the tracks are encoded with a 5.1 DTS audio track and an alternative 2.0 dolby digital track. I'd like to make sure I am ripping both audio tracks).

When I say "rip" , I might be confusing terms a bit. What I mean is I want to copy the track(s) from the DVD disc without converting them to another video/audio format. This way I could use the tracks with a dvd creation program like Sonic DVDit! in order to burn onto a DVD (without losing any quality from the original due to any conversion process)

Thanks for the help.

Used SmartRipper


The above is a SONIC FORUMS. U may check it out for your question. They have many pro user for DVDit. But your have to register first before enter. Is free.

Get smartripper to rip whatever from Disc 1... Slecterable each .vob file to be rip. That's included the DTS or ac3 multi audio.
No lost of video and audio. Is just same as org DVDs. Once your have rip what your wants. u need Reed DVD or Pinnacle impression Pro software to author back your DVD. Why not DVDit?

DVDit only support .ac3 2 channel. DTS or dolby digital sound is 5.1 channel. So the end DVDit can't be done. Very Sorry. All this sound like to be many step and steps... Check out the SONIC FORUMS... may be there is a short cut way. I hope the above info may help u.



hey mate ...
I think I know an easy solution for your "prob"

use smartripper or something similar .... to rip the prefered parts (VobFiles/TitleSets) of the disc ...

then open SONIC DVD FUSION (available for download on the mainpage)..add the *.VOB files to your project and create the disc ...
that´s it ...

If u need any help .. feel free to contact me ...

thank you for your replies elpresidente and ac3cd.

Although I do not have Sonic Reel DVD (Still looking for a copy), I do have SONIC DVD FUSION (just never used it).

So elpresidente you are telling me that DVD Fusion can do DTS 5.1 audio mastering as well?

The original source video clip I am ripping has 2 audio tracks, one is DTS 5.1 english, the other is a 2.0 Dobly Digital English track.

So would that mean that:

a) Smartripper will automatically rip both audio tracks
b) DVD Fusion will take those VOB's and when I burn them onto a DVD I will still have both the DTS 5.1 and 2.0 dolby digital tracks burned with it?




I hope it does DTS 5.1 .... I know that it does (ac36channel)5.1 ...not sure of dts ... but I think it does ... lol

a. smartripper --> rips all audio ... but u can also go to stream processing ...and select the streams u want ... and it will rip them to disc...

b. DVD Fusion is able to IMPORT these VOBs and to create a new project + Ifo Files (after u have created it .. use IFO Edit´s "GET VTS" make sure that your project works on standalone players ;) )
--> keeping or adding 2 or more audio tracks to a project isn´t a problem mate ...but I´ve never tried it with DTS ..but should not be a problem...

elpresidente said:

b. DVD Fusion is able to IMPORT these VOBs and to create a new project + Ifo Files (after u have created it .. use IFO Edit´s "GET VTS" make sure that your project works on standalone players ;) )
OK I ripped the tracks and tested them in PowerDVD and in power DVD I can see the tracks were ripped with the DTS 5.1 (And 6.1) audio intact.

Now I have created a DVD before that worked on stand-alone players in another (non-sonic) software (I can't remember the title since I reinstalled my O/S and lost the program) but never in Sonic Fusion.
I was just wondering if you could expand on what you mean by the "Get VTS" function or will this be obvious on what I need to do when I get a IFO editor?



yeah ... mate ..if u get IFO-EDIT 0.932 (newest ver) and open Ifo Files u will see what I mean (just take a look at the buttons)
