changing length of time for warning screen?


New member
Using DVD Stripper, I've taken out several of those annoying warning screens ... you know, the FBI one, the "views expressed in the commentary are not necessarily those of blah blah blah" one, and so on. However, I would like to leave one of them in, as it's a gag screen (and it's funny).

I used DVD Stripper and told it to remove the warning screens I didn't want, and leave in the one that I do want. Unfortunately, no matter which way I do this, the final dvd only plays that one remaining warning screen for like half a second.

What I'd like to know is how to correct this so the one screen I WANT to remain doesn't have it's length of time changed.

I fiddled aroud a bit with IfoEdit, but I know *nothing* about all of stuff that IfoEdit shows, and I don't necessarily want to have to learn the whole kit & kaboodle just to change that one thing.

Can somebody point me to:

1) A way to have DVD Stripper leave that one warning screen that DOESN'T change it to .5 second,


2) Help me figure out which variable (or whatever) I need to change using IfoEdit to change it back to last several seconds?

Any help greatly appreciated.



New member
okay, I found out a little more info, if that will help anything.

The screen I want to keep is actually in VTS_02_01.IFO (or vob or whatever).
It looks like VTS_02_01.VOB contains a warning screen, a brief animation showing the 20th century fox intro, and then a second warning screen. It's the second warning screen I want to keep, and to have last for it's usual however many seconds.

I'm messing around with VTS_02_01.IFO in IfoEdit but I have no idea what I'm doing. It does say there are 7 PGC's, but when I hit "Delete Playback" on any of them, it doesn't really change much. (Well, if I delete PGC one, it won't play; if I delete PGC 5 it will play the first warning screen and then just stop; if I delete PGC 6 it will play the first warning screen, the 20th century fox intro, and then just stop; deleting any of the others has no change on how it plays.)

I hope this helps. I'm anxious for any help. Surely there's just some line in there somewhere I can change to keep that one warning screen, and have it play for the normal amount of time?

thanks again,


New member
your first attempt was the right one, strip out the the ones you don't want with DVDstrippper and keep the one you want to keep. The only problem remaining is that it apparently only is shown for 0.5 sec. If you now in which IFO the information is contained for this intro screen you can edit the time how long it has to be shown. However without knowledge if a IFO file structure etc it is not so easy to explain how.
Anyhow a try, I assume it is a still image of which you want to extend playback time, open ifo file with ifoedit, go the VTS_PGCITI and click on it and then click on the little + sign just in fornt, then it will show all PGC's in this IFO, choose the one containing your intro and click on it. Now you see the info of the PGC and on the 4-the line of the lowest window you see playback time of this PGC. This value you can edit (just double click on it). It is a dec/hex code you have to fill in to get a certain playback time, and I have no idea with value to enter to get a certain time just try some numbers to see (for instance just double the value to get for instance 1 sec etc) and see what happens, the line below shows the value understandable for normal human beings.
If you have edit this value just scroll down and find the cell playback information, it has a similar line with playback time. Enter here the same value as you have done on first location. That should do the trick. Note this will only work for still images, if it is video intro this will not work properly for several reasons.
Hope this info is helpful to you


New member
okay, using a rather complicated procedure with vobrator and ifoedit, i was finally able to figure out this cell or whatever this particular warning screen was. i messed around until i found the following:

Cell_2: still time (seconds, 0xFF = Infinite)

Now for whatever reason, DVDStripper reduced the time of EVERY warning screen to 0 ... even when I specifically told DVDStripper to leave certain screens in. I'm assuming this is a bug? Could DVDStripper be changed so that if you do decide you want to leave a particular warning screen in, it doesn't by default change this value to 0? I've now figured out how to correct this problem, but it really is a pain.

Just my 2cents.