I have a problem whice i hope one of u guys can help me with.
I'd installed cdrwin 4.0A beta, Fireburner 2.1.2. And i can't get them to work. I have tried lots of other versions. The joke is, that Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum, works without any probs. But i want to use the other appz.
I have installed aspi32.exe, ASPI for Win2k-XP.exe and aspikit.exe for cdrwin.
It burns cd, but it don't write Lead in and Lead out, the cd's apears to be written, but i can't read it. After burning there is used 702 Mb of space on the cd and there is no space left on the cd according to Win XP.
I have upgraded my Plextor 12/10/24 burner with the latest firmware from plextor.
I have a P4 on a Asus board with Intel 850 chipset and Win XP on it, and it worked with win2k.
I hope on of you can give me a god advice. You can mail me if you have a god advice or leave me a PM.
Thanx in advance.
I have a problem whice i hope one of u guys can help me with.
I'd installed cdrwin 4.0A beta, Fireburner 2.1.2. And i can't get them to work. I have tried lots of other versions. The joke is, that Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum, works without any probs. But i want to use the other appz.
I have installed aspi32.exe, ASPI for Win2k-XP.exe and aspikit.exe for cdrwin.
It burns cd, but it don't write Lead in and Lead out, the cd's apears to be written, but i can't read it. After burning there is used 702 Mb of space on the cd and there is no space left on the cd according to Win XP.
I have upgraded my Plextor 12/10/24 burner with the latest firmware from plextor.
I have a P4 on a Asus board with Intel 850 chipset and Win XP on it, and it worked with win2k.
I hope on of you can give me a god advice. You can mail me if you have a god advice or leave me a PM.
Thanx in advance.