CDR Software to work in redhat

Hi all,

I have taken the step back to unix/linux/redhat as winbloze xp refuses to load on my new pc.

What is a good general cdr package to run under redhat :( v8.0, something that is similar to nero is there suck a package?

Try k3b or cdbakeoven. They are both easy to use and have nice gui's.

799 thanks mad thanks for all the help, redhat is nice but i am getting lead to to delete it and load freebsd, gnome and xwin for redhat does not seem like linux/unix

/me remembers the days of slackware unix and NO xwin :D

Keep replys coming though i may just keep redhat

Have a look at _ for an updated version of X-cd roast. It seem that early versions of rh8.0 shipped with old version of X-cd roast.