
CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted. By using the program proactively, you can insure that your data on CD-ROMs are safe -- before it's too late! CDCheck provides the following features: readability verification, binary compare, CRC file creation (and verification) and file recovery.

Changelog from
+ pressing ALT-RIGHT key in compare (when focus on source) copies the source to reference
* default behaviour for .wav file is now not to ignore anything (during processing)
* modified bug reporting window
* improved bad antivirus plugin handling
* modified CD Info - if unknown CD it asks for information
* changed stat. value when no good reads (was: 100% now: -1)
- recovery now removes existing file even if it has readonly attribute
- error message appeared when no ASPI was found during autodetection
- fixed support detection for ASPI (function did not return any value)
- fixed bug in ASPI causing some drives not to be listed and used
- fixes "No translation for ..."
- fixes backup problems with media synchronization
* Media information feature fully functional with online updates
+ ASPI support (automatic drive mapping available for Win9x, Win2000, XP?)
+ Media information feature added (not yet fully functional)
* fixed compare bug when files are same except for extra bytes in first file (introduced in
- fixed wrong first difference offset
- ejection of CD after process completion caused an Access Violation on some computers
* ejecting is now done in thread => no more waiting for eject before showing result window
- fixed the function waiting for thread termination -> fixes "Access violation at address 0042277E" (was 42246E)
- fixed waiting for thread to end for full timeout period (causing delay when process was completed)
- different size selection for Result window which I hope will fix the issue with too small fonts
* added all hashes to custom hash file selection
- fixed "Invalid data buffer size for wave file!" when comparing (now it correctly ignores .wav files with extra information)
- fixed "Undefined error (code: 53)"
- fixed missing translation for message 1100
- fixed "Access violation at address 0042246E"
- fixed flashing of Options form if it is moved around and than cancel is pressed
- fixed timing issues when initializing processing and reading threads (fixes custom hash file issues)
- fixed the error history problem (errors were never removed from memory)
* when calculating similarity now also bytes different are reported
* Changes to bug report dialog (formatting)
* Note when hash created added
- fixed bug with reporting (showed only partial error report)
- fixed bug in report window causing exceptions quite often
- fixed compare bug (CDCheck did not show missing files)
- fixed .crf file loading
- Options dialog position saving
+ added warning when creating hash file with filenames containing non-local characters
* improved unexpected error reporting (for easier bug fixing)
* virus protection disabled if no plugin available
* virus protection routines are protected from affecting other code as much as possible
- fixed Context menus bug
- fixed bug when checking MD5 format
- fixed Options window position bug
+ File Tree pane and Browse window have full path visible in status bar
+ added two new features to Checking Setup
+ added support for some antivirus software
+ added command line support for checking
+ option to save window positions added
* updates to hash date handling
* by default SPTI access is enabled and check box works properly now
* ESC key works in About window
* added date as comment to .MD5 format
* changes in Result window
* help files updated
- Fixed bug in .MD5 format
- Result window is now in Courier New font
- averages are all present again
- fixed some other bugs
+ can report ISO incompatible long filenames/directories when creating hash file
+ supports many new hash algorithms and file formats .SFV and .MD5
+ supports filenames \\COMPUTER\SHARE (no visual support yet)
+ compare with similarity reports where the first difference is
+ check reports first reading error position
+ Audio CD support for Windows NT, 2000, XP (administrator privileges required)
+ CDCheck added to context menus of files, folders and drives for easier access
* process priority can be selected from a list
* faster recovery
* Volume names for CDs are retrieved in thread (=> much smoother startup if CD has just been inserted)
* Sounds settings in CDCheck replaced with Windows Sound Events
* special .wav file handling for easier comparing (hash or binary) with CD
- recovery keeps date, time and attributes

:) is out (22.03)
+ added monthly synchronization reminder
+ CD Info supports DVD media information
* made a workaround for errors on CD-RW with empty directories when using DirectCD software
* installation does not overwrite minfo.ini
* When Device Access is set to AutoDetect, ASPI redetection occurs only when validation fails
* Drive mapping is done on startup -> on the second run should fallback to normal in case of a faulty ASPI driver
- fixed problems with adding CD manufacturers
- fixed problem when startup with command line parameters but CDCheck.ini was not present
- fixed a bug randomly causing exceptions (ErrorColThread error)
- fixed web script for media synchronization (media had old disc ID)
