
Hi guys. it's me again, back with another prob.

First of all I have used the search, found out a little bit of what I want to know.

Prob.(check this one out):rolleyes:

I have been d/l ing music from Kazaa(usually in mp3) and then trying to burn on cd-r with about 1/2 success.
With 1/2 success I mean that the new cd-r will play in only half the audio equi. that I have. And when I get some to play in home system it sounds rough. I have been told to convert mp3s to .wav and that should take care of it (but it don't) In fact my home system plays mp3s(not good) and not .wav(at all)
I have been using Sound Forge 6.0 with the plug in to convert and burn. But thats not all I've tried DJ, Nero, Audio Grabber none give very good results. I use a Samsung cd-rw 32-10-40 burner under win 98se witch I try to burn at 2x but with SF I don't see a way to slow the damn thing down?

Any ideas what goin on?
Is there a way to convert to .cda instead of .wav(yes I know there supposed to be the same)
Or do you think that it's just a issue with the home sound system?

Oh yea the new cd sounds good in other systems(car, portable cd player) no scratches or bibs and crap that somtimes comes though.
cda it's not an audio format, as you can see they are just a few bytes.
Sound strange to me your cds plays fine only on certain systems, anyway you could try to change media brand and get some good quality CDRs. ;)

well, why are all my regular cd's(boughten ones in .cda them) if .cda is'nt really audio format?

Joripe (Admin now) CONGRATs

I use memorex cd-r 700mb 80min media with gold back

is this the prob? and yes it is a older player as you say Joripe

probally a issue with player first then media I think

@Lore: something like 44bytes(44bytes)32768 bytes used --- in.cda for one song not quite sure what this all means? why 44b the (44b) then 32768b? Got it all from properties.
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Here you are a good definition of cda:

Taken from an old post by Pokopiko:

This extension shows only under CDFS filesystem, and is a convention made to define RAW datastreams. It's just some sort of "shortcut", check its size and you will see what I mean.
But you cannot have .cda on harddisk.
So forget about it :D

Thanks lore, I read that somewhere before.(guess I forgot)

And like what I have read before "it's probally not the extension, but more the media or player"

Strange that I have tried alot of diff prog. and still get the same results.

It's just got to be the player, although I haven't tried cdr in a different home system. Guess I thought, if it plays mass produced cds it should play anything I can shove in it. lol

Guess NOT

How about burning in .raw would that play.(hate to try without some knowledge, I've allready have quite the supply of coasters. lol)?

Mode 0: Packet writing. This method is used to (re)write a CD-RW.

Mode 1: TAO. Track At Once is needed to make MultiSession discs like data and audio.

Mode 2: SAO. With Session At Once different tracks (for instance audio songs) are written at once without stopping or repositioning the laser of the writer before the end is reached.

Mode 3: RAW. This is the important one... In short data is delivered in a 'smart' way by the burning software and written in a 'dumb' way by the writer. Data will not be error corrected or repaired (therefore the writer is writing in a dumb way). If this method is used, errors on the original disc will also be present on the copy. These errors are exactly what some protections (like SafeDisc) use to prevent you from copying them...
The RAW method that is used here works with DAO. DAO stands for Disc At Once and does the same thing as SAO: it writes the CD at once.

In short I would simply change to a good media and see what happens, test the cd on other home systems, if it works fine (I think it will) then your home sys have a problem ;)
thanks Lore!!
I'll have to make hard copy of this info cause mem. is for shit. lol

And yep cd does work in other home sys.(newer)

Thanks Alot for the help.(I really needed it)