*.CDA format to MP3 or Wav

Anyone know of a good program and if so where to get it from which allows you to convert CDA files into MP3 or Wav files

Essentially you want a CD ripper. The two most popular picks here seem to be :

EAC h**p://www.exactaudiocopy.de
CDex h**p://cdexos.sourceforge.net

A guide for EAC can be found at h**p://www.ping.be/satcp/tutorials.htm
I don't know where you can find a guide for CDex (because I don't use it, I use EAC).
Try to search for CDex using the search button above and see what you come up with.

If you decide to go with EAC then you will probably need the LAME MP3 encoder. Latest version is 3.92 which can be downloaded from h**p://mitiok.cjb.net
I would also recommend having a look at RazorLame (h**p://www.dors.de/razorlame) which is a batch MP3 encoder.
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If you are trying to convert files from an audio CD, you can configure WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER to copy cda tracks from disk into mp3 format on your hard drive. These mp3's are playable on supporting dvd players. It's so simple. I use the latest version of NERO (serial to upgrade demo available) to then burn the mp3's to disk allthough there is an option for this in WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. I haven't tried it though as NERO is more reliable.


If you own a Plextor writer, then use the latest Plex Tools 1.15a. If not, then definatly use exact audio copy.

what about using clonecd to make a 1:1 copy of an audio cd? any comments?

regarding burning from mp3s from my computer to .cda format on a cdr, what program should i use?

sorry if my questions sound stupid.....i'm new here......:)