
Hiya all

Hope this isnt too dumb a question.

I have some some audio CD`s that i have borrowed from i friend, i want to get some of the audio tracks onto my HDD, when i try to drag the files from the CD to a folder on my HDD all i get is a shortcut to the audio file on the CD, is there anyway to do this or will i have to burn the CD tracks that i want to CD.

Sorry i dont understand,
I want to keep the files on my HDD, i dont want to burn them, i want to drag the audio files from the audio CD onto a folder on my HDD.


If you are using Win98/me then you can use the attached file

Please read the included readme file.

Enjoy drag and drop :D


cda files r just wave files.
As joripe/master says just use eac or other burning program to extract to hardrive as wave.
Please note that 1 cd album could take upto 700mb of space.
Extracting to hdd as mp3 will only take about 20% or less space.
U dont have to burn to cd.;)


I guess you didn't get my return PM? No matter you seem to have recieved your answer.

I'm curious though. Are you planning on storing these wave files permanently or just edit them to output to another device? If you want to store then, listen to daveml. mp3's at a good bitrate, sound the same as a CD (or wave)...especially on a computer. The main advantage, as was pointed out, is saved space. mp3's are on average 5-10 megabytes, while waves are on average 60-100 megabytes. Waves are slower to load (because its so much larger) and can bog down your memory.

I have a 20 Gig hard drive dedicated to just mp3's. It's about 140 albums so far. Try that with wave files! ;)
No Sorry didnt get yourt reply.

I want to store them permanently on my HDD, i have converted one of the CD`s i wanted to MP3 using Cdex, your right the total album size is 60mb, sounds ok too.

Thank you all for your help.


tommyis3 said:
No Sorry didnt get yourt reply.

I want to store them permanently on my HDD, i have converted one of the CD`s i wanted to MP3 using Cdex, your right the total album size is 60mb, sounds ok too.

Thank you all for your help.
No problem! :cool: