CD RW LiteOn, 40/24/10 - what type is it?

Hi, everybody
I have found this in our catalog: CD RW LiteOn, 40/24/10
The thing is I dont know, what type is it, and if it's worth buying...
Can anybody give some opinion (or better "everybody" :) )?
Thanks a lot.
LiteOn make excellent CDRW I have 3 (dont use em all) they are cheap & do the business.
The 40x can be flashed to 48x there are threads about this on the forum do a search for LiteOn:):)
That's an older model, they're up to 52x24x52 now. So unless it's very cheeeep, don't bother as the latest is about £40-£45/$60-$70 and less.
If it's 40x read, 24x write, 10x rewrite
- 24102b
No overclock possible, no Mount Rainier possible - but still a 2-sheep for CloneCD

Somewhat obsolete against the faster 3/5/6 series drivers.
4 The-poacher
I don't mind 40x speed, so I don't need to flash it. I only care if it's worth buying to backup some soft. But it seems so... :)

4 Tommy:
It is about 40$ or a little less.
If there's a 40, a 24, and a 10, the 40 is the READ and 24 is the WRITE.

The 24x write is probably 3-zone CLV (if I remember right)...
Starts at 16x, then zones-up to 20x and then to 24x as rotational speed allows.

One thing's for certain - a 48x writer is NOT twice as fast as a 24x.
Rotation speed means the 48x will start a llittle faster (maybe 18x-20x), and may gain further by using CAV mode instead of zoned (constant rotation, data rate continually increasing).

But it will NOT be twice as fast - for short burns, only the starting speed difference will matter

So if the price is right - and if faster drives are harder to find, and grossly overpriced, it's probably not a bad drive to have.

A 24x drive can also be a little more forgiving on media - since some 40/48x media really isn't up to the task at full speed.
I have such a drive. Just check the drive model.
If it is the LTR-24102a, leave it alone.
If it is LTR-24102 b or c it's a very good drive.
There are also three more LTR-24102 badges, but they are rare.