CCE probs

My first time using CCE and I'm stumped already.

I'm following a tutorial and so far have run my m2v through Bitrate viewer to get info. Also DVD2AVI and the VFAPI.

All this went swimmingly. So now I've imported my file


Into CCE. I then alteres the settings that were right for my movi ie. checked ZIGZAG Progressive et.

Everything appears O.K. So now I hit Encode as instructed. CCE prompts me to save changes to noname? I select yes and give my (soon to be) saved file a new name. Here's where I got stumped. Originally this took 1 second and saved me a 400K file with a .ecl extention. I want a M2v not a .ECL how do I go about this please?

The ECL file is the Encoder Control List and is usually saved before encoding starts, so CCE asking to save it is normal and nothing to do with the output file extension which should default to .mpv for an elementary stream. If CCE doesn't continue on and encode your .avi file then you have a problem somewhere - most likely with the frameserving. Try using AVISynth instead of vfapi.
Yep, now I'm getting somewhere.

Avisynth you say, thats like tons more complicated though isn't it?

Thanks for that anyway, I was gonna carry on trying to add it when it was obviously duff.