hello, ive been trying to rip my first dvd. i am very unhappy with how the quality comes out in tmpg, so i decided to use cce. so i read the faq on dvd2svcd w/ cce, configured it, and started the encode. when it go to 30% of encoding the mpv file, it freezes. my pc doesnt freeze, just cce. i tried converting to vcd also w/ cce...same thing freezes @ 30%. i get no errors of any kind. now i have ripped this movie fine w/ tmpg, so i know its not my dvd...so anyone know what it might be?
pc info:
os: winxp
p4, 2.2ghz
1 stick 512mb
pc info:
os: winxp
p4, 2.2ghz
1 stick 512mb