cce freezes during encode


New member
hello, ive been trying to rip my first dvd. i am very unhappy with how the quality comes out in tmpg, so i decided to use cce. so i read the faq on dvd2svcd w/ cce, configured it, and started the encode. when it go to 30% of encoding the mpv file, it freezes. my pc doesnt freeze, just cce. i tried converting to vcd also w/ cce...same thing freezes @ 30%. i get no errors of any kind. now i have ripped this movie fine w/ tmpg, so i know its not my anyone know what it might be?

pc info:
os: winxp
p4, 2.2ghz
1 stick 512mb

CCE is extremely memory hungry and will run your mem and CPU at 100% load, any lightest problem there will result in a freeze. Overclocking, running mem in dual mode, cpu overheating, antivirus in the background, slow or fragmented HD, etc, etc. can all choke CCE.

TMPGEnc is like a slug when compared to CCE.


New member
i have just defragged. i have nothing really running when i start encoding. i start encoding on a fresh restart. i do have norton running in the bg. do you think that could be the prob?
Simply shut Nortons down and retry. If all goes well, then you know what the problem is, if not, the search continues.


New member
just ran cce again, and same thing happened. froze @ 30%. any other suggestions?
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Try defraging the source and destination HD's. Also try and under clock your RAM and/or CPU, this will illiminate if you have RAM problems or not.


I have the same problem myself right now sadly, reinstalled Windows 3 times now & changed my RAM, mobo too. :(

No A/V on this system, only a few progs installed, a Thermaltake Volcano 11+ keeping chip ice cool. It is a 2500+ O/C to 3200+ and memory is in dual channel mode but even when I revert to single channel and reset chip to 2500+ it still does it.

You are not alone jmurx if that's any kind of consolation.
Laz, thats an easy one, its simply because you have the CPU overclocked ;)

EDIT: Sorry just read you said that it still happens when run as a 2500. Hmm.. have either of you installed the CRC patch if running CCE 2.50 ? I would suggest you do, mainly helps AMD processors but appears its also needed for Pentiums as well. Its posted somewhere here on the forum. You would normally get a small error window, but maybe its hidden in the back ground.

I can honestly say in the past 2 1/2 years I have been using CCE (mainly 2.50 but many trials with 2.67 & Basic), I have never had it crash on me (except on a few troublesome AVI, fixed the avi and all was well). In that time I've had all sorts of MoBO, RAM and CPU's (though ALL amd). I religiously always do a clean reboot before I start encoding.


Forgot all about the CRC patch m8, will look that up.

I'm just wondering if it is a specific nForce problem as I've tried two boards now and both nForce 2, current one is an Asus A7N8X-E deluxe. I am on 2.50 myself and might try a 2.67 version later, can't see how that will alter anything but you never know. Or could it be that it is a specific DVD-RB problem even ... can't see that but ?!?
Its not the Mobo as thats the EXACT same one I've been running for quite some time now :D and before that it was the Asus A7N8X and before that some VIA Asus m/b that I cant remember right now.


I do have a problem with it though m8, for some weird reason it does not like running my HD's on the primary IDE channel ?!? :confused:

Will not even boot of late, swapped the HD's onto a PCI ATA 100 card and DVD reader on primary and it likes that so far. Just when you think you've seen it all ..... lmao
Laz said:
I do have a problem with it though m8, for some weird reason it does not like running my HD's on the primary IDE channel ?!? :confused:

Will not even boot of late, swapped the HD's onto a PCI ATA 100 card and DVD reader on primary and it likes that so far. Just when you think you've seen it all ..... lmao
The only problem I have is not being able to boot from my SATA HD when a HD is plugged into my Promise ATA133 card, I've found ways around it but its a fudge. The Promise card Posts before the SATA on-board card does and the BIOS only has SCSI as a boot option to select either. Arr well, other than that its a fantasic M/B, very stable.


Still no go, used v2.67 and managed to encode a whole film then it failed after CCE usage. At first I tried using it with EclCCE but it just would not encode so I then pointed DVD-RB directly to 2.67 and hey presto. A step forward though! :)

Now I get a DVD-RB error at Rebuild stage:- Buffer overflow. Error #0003. :mad:
As quoted by jdobbs at doom9:

"Too all:
DO NOT use CCE v. with DVD-RB. It has additional issues, also, that appear to be related to ECLCCE."

Suggestions are to use if you want to use ver 2.67