CCE/DVD2SVCD Problem: Encodes Video To 30% Then Freezes


New member
Hey Everyone,

I am trying to convert the divx file "Queen Of The Damned" to DVD using ChickenMan's Method. I follow it perfectly and it works fine until i get to encoding the video. The video encodes until it reaches 30% then freezes. I am running windows Xp and have done EVERYTHING said in the manual to burn Divx to DVD. I have attached the log from CCE below. Any help nedded. Thanks in advance.


PS Below the log from CCE i have attached the log from DivFix in case that helps at all.


- 4/11/2004 6:35:22 PM
- AVI to SVCD Conversion
- AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.1 build 3
- C:\My Shared Folder\Queen Of The Damned.avi
Initializing finished.

- 4/11/2004 6:35:24 PM
- Free on drive C: 37095.53 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
Audio extraction finished.

- 4/11/2004 6:36:22 PM
- Free on drive C: 37001.82 mb
- AUDIO conversion
- 4/11/2004 6:36:24 PM
- Free on drive C: 37001.82 mb
- AUDIO conversion

Converting MP2 to WAV. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
Executing MADPlay (mp2 to wav). Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\MADPlay\madplay.exe" --quiet --output=wave:"C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Encoded_audio_1.mp2.wav" "C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Extracted_audio_1.mpa"
Conversion (mp2 to wav) of C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

Encoding Audio. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Encoded_audio_1.mp2.wav" -output "C:\DOCUME~1\THEWEE~1\Desktop\Encoded_audio_1.mp2" -logfile "C:\DOCUME~1\THEWEE~1\Desktop\Encoded_audio_1.log" ) -ota( -g max ) -shibatch( --rate 48000 ) -2lame( -e -b 192 -m s )
Audio conversion of C:\Documents and Settings\The Weed Man\Desktop\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

Audio conversion finished.

- 4/11/2004 6:44:21 PM
- Free on drive C: 35747.37 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft

Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
StreamSectors: 4599165788
AudioSectors: 148259580
VideoPAPO: 68946912
ScanOffsetBytes: 218951
SeqAligningBytes: 13915521
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 4
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 0.00
PureMPEGStream: 4367824820.83
Seconds: 6095.05
CalcMPEGStream: 4367824820.83
Frames: 145967
CDSize: 4400.00
Number of CDs: 1
Cut point 4396.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 145967
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 2
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: Multipass VBR
Min. bitrate: 200
Max. bitrate: 9000
Avg. Bitrate: 5732
Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic (no borders, encoded as 16:9)

---AVS Begin---
----AVS End----

DivFix Log

Error checking for file: C:\My Shared Folder\Queen Of The Damned.avi
NOTE: The error checking is not perfect!
Corrupted data detected at frame 93890 (01:65:15)
Error offset: 414921286 ($18BB3246)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93890 (01:65:15)
Error offset: 414925736 ($18BB43A8)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93890 (01:65:15)
Error offset: 414929338 ($18BB51BA)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93890 (01:65:15)
Error offset: 414937416 ($18BB7148)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93891 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414945648 ($18BB9170)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93891 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414946432 ($18BB9480)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93891 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414949096 ($18BB9EE8)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93891 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414952310 ($18BBAB76)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93892 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414967548 ($18BBE6FC)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93892 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414973894 ($18BBFFC6)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93892 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414979722 ($18BC168A)
Corrupted data detected at frame 93892 (01:65:16)
Error offset: 414989940 ($18BC3E74)
Corrupted data detected at frame 116185 (01:80:45)
Error offset: 558513950 ($214A3F1E)
Corrupted data detected at frame 116192 (01:80:46)
Error offset: 558603612 ($214B9D5C)
Finished with C:\My Shared Folder\Queen Of The Damned.avi .
Number of errors: 14
Last edited:
Stopping part way through an encode is almost always due to a problem in the AVI. As DivFix has found many errors, it shows the avi is not in good health. DivFix is also know to miss errors and not always fix all it finds, it is falable ! DivXRepair is another alternative.

Also try loading the avi into VirtualDUB, in Video set compression to Xvid and set its bitrate a bit higher than what the original had. Set Audio to Full Processing mode also. Then Save AVI. This can take an hour or so, but generally (not always!) cleans up problem avi's.
celtic_druid said:
Should point out that re-encoding the video with a lossy compression like that will reduce the quality.
In real terms the quality loss is so minimal its not of any concern and besides a 100% conversion (at say 99% quality) is darn more useful than one that gets to 30% only (at 100% quality). I know which way I'd go.


New member
I just flipped through the file for the first time ans saw that at a point in the movie it was scrambled and weird. Will loading it into VirtualDub still help this?