CCE 2.50 problem? (2nd try)

Does any1 could explain why using DVD2SVCD 1.1.0 build 1 (but tried later version also, same results), to convert a DivX to SVCD following the ChickenMan related tut, i'm unable to set the Convert divx3 to divx4 option on, in the MISC tab? It is greyed (not modifiable)!!!!:(
When CCE start for encoding, actually doesn't encode anything, it remain freezed and my only chance is to cancel it from tasks list (Ctrl-Alt-Del)......:(
I'm using P4 2.0Ghz 512 Mb DDR Windows Millennium.
Thanks in advance......
You need to have DivX 3.11 codec installed (others have fixed their problem by doing this) else the DivX 5.x codec you currently have will be used anyway. But DivX 5 has problems translating some DivX 3.

I currently do NOT have divx 3.11 codec installed but I use the AVi CC changer program that cames with the Xvid codec (you should have that installed anyway from ) and manually change the AVI header from Div3 to Div4. I have absolutely no problems encoding DivX3 encoded AVI's.

It would also be a good idea to upgrade your old version of DVD2SVCD to the latest ver 1.1.1 build 2 as there have been many bug fixes.
CCE 2.50 Problem?

Using Gspot I've seen that the movie I'm trying to convert has been compressed with div3 DivX 3 low-motion codec and the codec is installed......!? Maybe the problem is not the codec, but any other conflict with CCE 2.50 that started stand alone seems not having problems but with DVD2SVCD it freeze......, also i'm unable to set the Sharpen option that is mentioned in ChickenMan's tut, maybe the DVD2SVCD version? Remain the CCE 2.50 problem.....How can use it without freeze the machine?:confused:
Thanks for the patience.......:rolleyes:
Yes the sharpen option has been removed from the latest versions of DVD2SVCD. It doesnt do much so dont worry about it.

As I mentioned above, install the above Xvid codec and in the folder it creates there is aprogram called AviC.exe Run it, load in the AVI and change from Div3 to Div4 and retry.
Koepli XviD codecs installed, AviC used to change the AVI from Div3 to Div4, nothing changed!!!
Tried another movie compressed with Div5 codec, same results but in the CCE 2.50 log i've got this message:
AVIStreamRead() failed: Bad parameters. (0X8004406a)
Any1 knows what happen?.....:confused:
Seems problem with frameserver passing parameters to CCE 2.50
or what?
Thanks for the patience again.......:rolleyes:
Have you checked the integrity of the AVI with DivFix ? The DivX file may be crappy. Also use DivFix to rebuild a new index.

Just as a test, change encoder to TMPGenc (VBR 2 pass), does it also crash?
AVI integrity checked, with DivFix and VirtualDub, no errors or crap, tried TmpGenc encoder, it gave me Script Error: invalid argument......etc

P.S. CCE 2.50 started standalone, (without AVI2SVCD), don't gave me any problem.......!!!!
....sorry....the full message TmpGenc gave me is:
Script error: Invalid arguments to function "AVISource" (D:\SPIDER\AVISYN~1.AVS,line2)

the script file which it references I think is this:


In line 2 is the full path name of my AVI source......!!!!
What is going wrong? :(

In desperate wait........
If TMPgenc give an error and CCE works standalone, then the problem lies with DVD2SVCD. Have you upgraded to DVD2SVCD ver 2 ? If not do so and just install directly over the top of the old version. Reboot and try again.

Also in the BicubicResize, I would normally recommend 0,0.6 (or even 0,0.75) rather than .33,.33 as the AVI's need to be sharpened not, smoothed.

Also can you load the AVI directly into TMPGenc (with SVCD template selected) and start encoding without any errors ?
I'm using DVD2SVCD 1.1.1 b2 that I've just deleted re-installed, re-booted, and the retry gave me same problem....:(

I've also tried to load the AVI directly into TMPGenc with SVCD template selected and started encoding without any errors......
Always more confused...!!!:confused:
Thanks for you time.......
DVD2SVCD is trying to call CCE 2.50 SP passing it a script, the script in question is called AviSynth_Script_file.avs and it is automatically created by DVD2SVCD, it's contents is:


well, i've tried to start CCE manually and when I try to open the script created by DVD2SVCD, it respond:

AviSynth_Script_file.avs is not a ECL for Cinema Craft Encoder SP.

At this point, is DVD2SVCD that create a wrong script or what?
Please HELP!!!!

If you can try to show me a correct script to pass to CCE 2.50 eventually in manual mode......!!!!!:( THANKS
Downloaded and installed DVD2SVCD 1.1.2.b1 bundle, but I don't think is the new release that resolved my problem!!!!.....
Accidentally, when in another try, i've minimized to tray the main DVD2SVCD windows meantime it is converting audio, then when
CCE started it don't give me any more errors and encoding all movie!!!!!!:D
Is the minimize to tray a prerequisite? :D
However now i've understand the trick!!!!
Thanks however ChickenMan.....!!!!!
Is the minimize to tray a prerequisite? Absolutely not, should not make any difference if minimized or not, the priogram is still running either way.

Try one with the new d2s without minimizing though.
I confirm that trying to encode another movie, the first time without minimize to tray D2S, CCE freeze, then retrying with it
minimized to tray the encoding go thru the end without any errors.....:p

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: