Capture Card

I have just installed Winvcr 2.5 from Ravisent. I can tune all channels clearly but when I come to record from the capture card it says that it only supports YUY2 and UYVY. I presume that these are codecs. Does anyone know where I can get these codecs from. What puzzles me is that when I tried using it about a year ago it worked fine.
YUY2 and UYVY are not codecs, they are the hardware capture card capture types (i think i got that right). so u need to check ur capture card to see if the settings are right.
I have checked the settings. All that show are the following:

RGB 32
RGB 24
RGB 16
YUV 422
YUV 12

The card is a Lifeview (Fly) and as I said earlier, I have had it working before.
I have just downloaded ACE Mega CoDecS Pack v4.20 and under Codecs it says:
Microsoft UYVY CoDec
Microsoft YuV2 CoDec
Microsoft YVYU CoDec

Installed this bundle but still no sign of them.